Prymer's sintra armor...need input


Well-Known Hunter
Last night I took the sintra pieces that were starting to collect dust and decided to finally shape everything. The shoulder bells were no problem, cod, stomach, collar, back, and knees were also no problem. The chest I formed to fit me and I think that is were the problem lies.

When I first shaped it I did the bottom middle part, then I noticed that the top was sticking way out. I reheated the top and formed it back but I got a wave in it. It fits my chest perfectly so I am thinking of using bondo to build it the open areas on thefront and back, then sanding both sides down with my belt sander until I have a uniform 1/8" edge.


Thanks for looking...
p.s.- I know I need to cut out the bottom of my back plate, but does the shape look correct?



Looks excellent!
Keep up the good work?
What are you using to do the shaping?
You may alieviate the wavy pattern if you were able to bend each spot as a whole instead of a small area at a time.
I.E. bending it over a rounded countertop or something of that nature.
I tried that. My problem is that I was working on bending two edges at once (doesn't work) I spent all morning going over reference pics and other armor and I think I just bent it too far. I am going to heat theym up tonight and pull it out a little. Also I'm going to open up my shoulder bells a little as well. Other than that, I am ready for bondo, then finish sanding.

Thanks for the input!

E2K13 said:
Looks excellent!
Keep up the good work?
What are you using to do the shaping?
You may alieviate the wavy pattern if you were able to bend each spot as a whole instead of a small area at a time.
I.E. bending it over a rounded countertop or something of that nature.
The wave is because sintra is like paper you cant put a cup in it without it giving way somewhere, that is why most people bondo in the contours.
Looks good. That wavy problem happens to me sometimes. I usually make my thumbs sore contouring the chest armor. Going back multiple times and reworking it. What thickness are you using? Looks really thick in the pics. But you do have a good start. Just keep at it and you will get those waves out.
That pic is a slight bit deceiving. I am using 3MM sintra. I am glad to know that I haven't bent too much, it's just a matter of working it out a bit. I am going to break out the heat gun again tonight and do some fine tuning.
Thank you all of the insight and encouragement.
Well, I know you all are on the edges of your seats so here are a couple updates. I have sanded and shaped the edges. A couple still need tweaking, but I was able to fix the ripple in my chest pieces. I will do some light bondo work, then get them painted and primed soon...




Ok so if you got to buy sintra?. What thickness should you use.. I noticed the pics have 3mm but thats not the way the sintra measurements are.. they say...120 I believe... any help is appreciated..
uscm buzz said:
Ok so if you got to buy sintra?. What thickness should you use.. I noticed the pics have 3mm but thats not the way the sintra measurements are.. they say...120 I believe... any help is appreciated..

The 3mm is very easy to shape, but I believe that 5mm is more like the screen used thickness, but this is a little harder to shape. If it was me then I'd go for the 5mm even though it's a little more work.

Good luck!
Actually, I believe Boba's screen-used armor is 4 mm. So Boba Maker...YOU ARE WRONG!

JK HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Boba Maker Rocks... and be sure to buy his extra-sweet T-visor when getting that new bucket.

Later Friends,

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