Preproduction gloves


Active Hunter
I used the search, but found nothing related to what I'm looking for. Does any one know what the patches on the top of the prepro gloves are? I think they're military of some kind, but I can't find them anywhere. Any one know anything about them?
Yea, one of them is the FORSCOM patch and the other is 7th infantry. I believe they are either the subdued or the desert ones.
I also got a pair of Mark Chang's gloves they are great. They do need to have one of the patches replaced with the 7th infantry patch in order to be correct.
Awesome, thanks guys, these are exactly what I was looking for, just the patches. Someone else PM'd me with where I can order these, so I'm all set. Thanks again.

That's FORSCOM on the left, 7th ID on the right. The pics are the regular subdued. I believe the actual patches were dyed since desert subdued wasn't around in the early 80s.
I have a few sets of those.. but you can find them at

Predatormv wrote:

Yea, one of them is the FORSCOM patch and the other is 7th infantry. I believe they are either the subdued or the desert ones.
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