i am around that size. I am 5'10" about 219, chest is usually a 44 to 46, waist is a 36 to 38. you already know i would be interested. I have a friend who would also be interested and he is around the same if not smaller measurements.

I'd definitely be interested! I'm 6' 2"; 220 lbs; 36" waist; 16.5" neck; jacket size: 50" athletic; chest size: 43". But here is probably where I'll get snake bit for the flight suit: 26" thighs, 18" calves.
Well I'm roughly 6 ft 1 and between 212 to 225 depending upon time of year etc. If you will be using a dark grey leather, that would be perfect for my custom as my armor and flightsuit beneath are dark grey. I've been searching for a quality craftsman to make a nice vest for me, hopefully at a mutually fair and reasonable price. What do you think, would you be able to create one for me-with some more specific measurements of course. Just let me know when you've nailed down a price for the vest and shipping.

Oh, I'm not certain where you purchase your leather, but I met a wholesaler who sells many different types of leather, furs, and pelts of different grades. If you'd like to check their site out I can PM it to you, or anyone else as well. Just let me know.

I am interested in a jumpsuit. I have one already, but it is too small (anyone interested?).Here are my measurements...

I'm 5' 8"; 235 lbs; 40" waist; 17" neck; jacket size: 50" athletic; chest size: 45". But here is probably where I'll get snake bit for the flight suit: 26" thighs, 18" calves.
I am interested in a jumpsuit. I have one already, but it is too small (anyone interested?).Here are my measurements...

I'm 5' 8"; 235 lbs; 40" waist; 17" neck; jacket size: 50" athletic; chest size: 45". But here is probably where I'll get snake bit for the flight suit: 26" thighs, 18" calves.

Some of that sounds mighty familiar!:lol:
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