Pics of Painting your helmet...


I'm getting my helmet soon and am real nervous about painting it! I have been doing a fair amount of research for about a month now. I have read threw all these tutorials and have found all the colors I need but am still wondering about a few things.

What psi should I use and how far away from the helmet should I spray...

To help with this does anyone have any pics of them actually painting their hemet???
Take a look through the last few pages here in the helmet thread. There are a couple guys who showed there progress step by step.
As far as psi., I'd say around's more of a feel than a'll know when you start what is too much or too little. Same with distance from the surface you're painting. When you're adjusting psi you'll have to get closer or farther away depending on how much air and paint you're flowing.

The best part about paint is that you can't "mess up"....just paint over it if you don't like a certain area. That's another great thing about the flat acrylics is they blend so perfectly and a quick shot of "Dullcote" will leave you looking for where your mistake was.

Incidentally do you have a single action or double action airbrush?

I am in the process of deciding which airbrush kit to get...

I posted a "need to buy" in the Cargo hold and got a lot of help there. Tim Allen wrote, "Testor's air brush kit all the way. Their cheap and affective, and it comes w/ a Air-can w/ it but i recommend buying 2 can's.". So I looked online but didnt find the testors air brush kit but did find this one...

Any advice on its quality, it is cheap and maybe I need something better?

Also: Marrow Sun...
I looked everywhere and to what i remember, I could be missing something, but I have yet to find a pic of an actual person painting a helmet, i have seen the step by step and they are a great aid but never an action shot of painting...I just want a better fell for this!

Thanks again for all the help everyone!
I have a Passche and I relly like it. I had the Walmart testors airbrush and it worked very well long enough to paint my armor but the internal valve took a crap on me after that. I have never seen the brush you have a link to. Just make sure there is some type of warrantee on it imo.
I'd recommend a double action. It takes a bit to get used to it,but once you do there's nothing you can't do. Single action is easier for beginners,but is very limited on what it can do. With double action you can change out tips and adjust flow of air and paint at the touch of a button.

I spent $115 for the Badger at Micheals. It's the one in the green triangle box. There's one with a blue triangel box that is a double action as well. If forget the difference,but the price is near identical.

Air in a can is great. I'd recommend keeping it resting in a small bowl of COLD water to better regulate the temperature. If it's too warm it will boil in the can and force out the oil....the whole idea isn't good of warm water....the can could explode...make it cold from the tap. If you have a basic "pancake" compressor that comes with many air nailers and it has a pressure regulator they work great. I use both depending on what and where I'm painting.

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