Painting the Inside of your Helmet?


Well-Known Hunter
Since I always get asked by kids at events, "Can I try your hat on?", I was wondering if anyone has painted the interior for appearance's sake? I would assume that acrylic paint is the only way to go, but what color? Is there a particular color that might make the inside a little cooler when worn? White, perhaps? I'm thinking that since it's on the inside, it might not make a difference at all...

By the way, I have a DP-DLX recast.
I would think that black would probably look the best. I've read that Stormtroopers generally use this color because if light comes up from below the neckline (remember of course they are highly polished white) that it has a tendency to "bleed" through the lenses. So it cuts down on visibility from folks outside the helmet.
I painted mine in a flat black and sealed it with an enamel so it won't get all over my head when I sweat, and it looks pretty clean. The other option is to go full out and build an interior based on the Riddell mini-helmet. Anyway, that's my idea.

maybe(just maybe) the best way to get the inside of the helmet fresh is put some aluminium layer, like the roof of houses, and a cpu cooler, if you analyze the roof stuff, the houses on winter are warm and on summer fresh :D just a thought...:)
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