Opinions, criticism, suggestions


Active Hunter
Ok so after 4 frustrating hours here is what I have so far.....lets have the truth....Thanks



Ok, here's what I'd do. Get a visor attached so it fixes the shape of the front. Then put some more detail into the paint. Other than that, good start, keep the photos coming.
I should have a visor later in the week to help with the spacing. The dome of the helmet is ceareal box cardboard coated in Pollyfilla (wall plaster. The rest of the helmet is shaped 12 ply poster board. It's about 3mm thick and fairly stiff and a heck of alot cheaper than Sintra. A 36 X 24 sheet was $6 CDN. vs $50 for Sintra.
Did you seal the dome and card sections with anything. I used Exterior PVA which not only waterproofs the thing but plasticises it too so you get a nice hard surface which actually take paint well. On the whole I agree, with placing the visor oin or at least something to help keep the shape whilst painting it. I think you've done a fine job on it. Scratch building's a hoot.:)
I "sealed" it with large amount of Elmer White then sanded it down and applied the Pollyfilla. I am going to seal the whole thing once all the painting is done..
I thought it was a high price to, but the nearest distrubutor is 2 hours north of me and the only sign shop that would order wanted $40- $50 for a sheet. Next time I am in Calgary I will grab some but for now the board works great.
Yes I looked at sintra in my town and it was 70$.
I later went to a sign shop and got a used(they use it as a cutting board) for 10$. I was happy.
I like the paint job, you really got the best parts of the "ESB look" nailed in a short time.

I have to say though, that without the visor holding the mandibles apart, the first picture reminded me of this for some reason... ;)

Just a quick update...have finished the last of the paint and put on the first coat of sealant on...will post some pics after the second coat
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