Official ROTJ Blaster Thread

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Migrate from As You Wish

Originally posted by SITHcamaro:

Here's a quick and easy gun painting tutorial for a ROTJ Fett blaster, along with a pict of my gun..
Remember to cut and past the link..

All I did was paint the entire gun black with acrylic paint (I mixed in some brown for the stock...and added some here and there on the body of the gun for variations in the black). After it dried, I used a silver, brown and a little gold paint here and there. Parts like the scope got slighty heavier doses of silver paint, but what I did mostly was paint on some silver, then wiped it down with a dry rag. This left a nice tinting of silver (did the same with the brown and gold...used the gold here and there mostly on the metal connection between the handle and the stock). Some of the obvious places got solid little scrapes of the tip of the barrel, around the cooling vanes, the adjustment nuts on the scope, and various places here and there that stuck out more from the gun.
After it was all done, I sealed it with a coat of satin finish clearcoat spray paint! Worked like a charm!!!!!
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Originally posted by Lynn TXP 0369:

Sithcamero.... looks great!

Here's mine......

Main body & steel plates....
1)I painted the whole thing flat black.
2)Steel dry bush.
3)rust dry brush
4)2-3 shades of gray dry brush
5) black misted on to blend it all together

rubber front grips....
1)flat black
2)2-3 shades of gray

wooden stock and grip...
1) black dry brush
2) 2 shades of brown

clear flat whole thing...





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Here is a piece I am working on. Needs painting and a little more work.


I updated the pic. I still have a little work to do but I am almost there. Sorry about the lower res pic, my digital camera isn't the best.

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Looks good:)Will you make be making them for the whole class?:D

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webchief, those pieces originated with bobadebt. I am not sure if he has any more but that is where they came from!
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Really? That's weird. He never mentioned to me that's who he was. I wonder if it was in fact him I was dealing with or simply a person that had bought them from him.
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I am modifying the one that I posted above and am finishing up the second piece. I should be done by this weekend and will post pics. After, I post pics, if anyone is interested in a cast piece, I would be happy to talk to them. Look this weekend for the pics, until then, the work-in-progress is a couple of post above.
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Would anyone have a clue to what the stock plates are to the ROTJ blaster?
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I have really good pics of them but no clue as to what they actually are. They coul dbe virtually anything. I think the chance of finding the actual item is a VERY long shot. If you need some good reference shots, please let me know.
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I've got two pictures of a very similar Webley stock (both sides). Anybody wanna post them here for me?
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I will! Email them to me!
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Thanks Brak's. They've been sent.
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Here are pics of the stock from BobaFettish:


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What kind of replica gun will pass for the handle and load chamber of the Fett blaster? I doubt I can get one of thoes WWII flair guns, unless someone has a sourse for a casting. I have emailed both Richies armor and Golden armor, but no reply as of yet.
Do any of these look the part?
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The bottom of the grips on those Civil War pistol seem too flared. I remember an old tutorial posted on AYW that showed how to make a ROTJ blaster using a Crossman .357 pellet gun as the base gun. I discovered that Mark B. used a toy revolver for my base gun, but after it is all assembled, painted, and weathered, you can't tell.
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Great pic's of the stock!!!! But, what are the stock PLATES? I Quess it was something they just made out of some sheet metal. :confused
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Ah, the SIDE PLATES on the stock. I spoke with Boba Debt on this very subject and he said he is having someone make a set for him (and possibly a set for me). They are being hand made. I really don't know the origin of the originals. If I am lucky enough to get a set, I would be willing to let someone cast them. I'll check back in with BD next week.
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Hopefully this is what you were looking for:


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Here are two diagrams I drew up based on the above pics. I believe they are fairly accurate. Unfortunately I neevr finished the smaller one as I couldn't seem to get it exactly right...

Large Plate:


Small Plate:



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The large plate looks a lot like the inside of one half of a film drying clip I used to have. It was made from plastic. It was used to clamp onto a wet developed roll of film, which you'd then hang from a wire to let the film dry.

Unfortunately, I gave all my old b&w photography supplies away years ago.

However, maybe this will give us a starting point...just a thought.
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