Not done, BUT presentable


Active Hunter
I'm getting towards the end of my costume, all I need is a jet pack, blaster and shin tools. I havent finished weathering the shoulder bells so they weren't attached to the vest yet and the knees just need a strap to hold them a little more snug, after that I'm going to quickly paint up my gauntlets and helmet due to the fact that after halloween it's going to get repainted anyway. I have gloves and wookie braids but didn't have them handy at the time.

Broke my bucket tonight. wont be making the halloween party this year.
Oh ... that sucks. :(

Nice start to your suit. :thumbsup:

A couple other constructive (i hope) comments are to change the cape from ESB to ROTJ, put on your shoulder bells, and to add gauntlet hoses and knee darts. Keep working on it, the suit looks good. :)
Oh ... that sucks. :(

Nice start to your suit. :thumbsup:

A couple other constructive (i hope) comments are to change the cape from ESB to ROTJ, put on your shoulder bells, and to add gauntlet hoses and knee darts. Keep working on it, the suit looks good. :)

Yeah, I just hadn't finished the shoulder bells and was going for a MoM fett, I don't really like the ROTJ cape and bucket. I'm still not done the gauntlets, not really in a rush now that there's no way I can finish it for halloween. There's knee darts on one side but I don't really like the ones I have so I started scratchbuilding some.
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