

New Hunter
Hello all, I am a new guy so please bear with me....I am looking for a platsic...preferably one to use with vacuum forming, that is extremely durable and light. I don't know much about plastics so I have no clue where to even start. What I am looking for needs to be able to handle a point blank shot from a paintball marker, any help would be great....thanks guys....
Hello and welcome aboard.

Do you plan on vacuforming the armor?
Otherwise you might want do do a search on the forum for trash can armor. The trash can plastic is durable and will survive a direct hit from a paintball. Especailly if used over a lightly padded vest .

Hope that helps.
actually I have been thinking of building a asthetic housing for a paintball gun to give it a starwars ( sci-fi ) look. I had planned on vacuum forming it. I am in the process of setting up a table. I'm trying to get a jist of the properties of the different plastics too.
Jun Garros Fett said:
Otherwise you might want do do a search on the forum for trash can armor. The trash can plastic is durable and will survive a direct hit from a paintball. Especailly if used over a lightly padded vest .

Hope that helps.

Umm not true. I took a dm5 at 300fps and it broke through a kiddy pool like it was a wet paper bag.

Best thing to use would be something like a 1/8th inch ABS or something like that.
Diverorion said:
Hello all, I am a new guy so please bear with me....I am looking for a platsic...preferably one to use with vacuum forming, that is extremely durable and light. I don't know much about plastics so I have no clue where to even start. What I am looking for needs to be able to handle a point blank shot from a paintball marker, any help would be great....thanks guys....

Aluminum is what you want, not plastic.
Gilmore of OK said:
Umm not true. I took a dm5 at 300fps and it broke through a kiddy pool like it was a wet paper bag.

Best thing to use would be something like a 1/8th inch ABS or something like that.

The plastic on a kiddy pool and a trash can are not the same. I'm not sure exactly what type it it but a piantball will not go through it. It's the same kind of plastic used in making the big rubbermaid grabage cans. A pellet gun will penetrate it.

OT//. Is 300 fps the limit now? I havn't played paintball in a few years but i remember we were limited to 220fps. Hurt like H*** when it hit ya.. We didn't have armor back in the old days.. :lol:

Jun Garros Fett said:
OT//. Is 300 fps the limit now? I havn't played paintball in a few years but i remember we were limited to 220fps. Hurt like H*** when it hit ya.. We didn't have armor back in the old days.. :lol:

Armor? Not to sidetrack the thread, but my friends and I play at 300 fps and we don't wear armor. I don't know anyone who actually uses armor at all. Although Fett armor would be cool for paintball.
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The newer limits are between 275 and 280, but on a hot day we've seen velocities up to 400 fps. and my buddies usually don't use any armor or anything but we we have been thinking of hosting some theme games most likely based either on star wars or aliens. We are looking for something that won't shatter ( getting hit by paintball shards we can handle, just not too keen on getting hit with plastic shards ) plus we are looking for something we can dive on the ground with and not end up with much in the way of dents or cracks....thank you to all for your input...
I use a leather vest type thing when I paintball (240 fps) and It works for me. That clone trooper armor is a cool idea, but it's way hard to find. Tell me if you do find some cheap armor though.

Tommy D.
Idaho Falls, Idaho
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