New to Fett


New Hunter
Hi...guys...I kind of new to Fett but not to props or Star Wars....

I am a member of the RPF and have finished my Stormtrooper (FX Armor) and Vader so now I am on to Fett......

I am posting to find out what who or what is the best armor available for a costume or display?

Trey :D
Man Trey, are you askin' fer it.
Why don't you go to the RPF & ask who makes the best stormie armor? ;)

seriously though,do you want metal or sintra?Boba or Jango?

I have the sintra Boba,but haven't even started it yet.

slave1pilot wrote:

Man Trey, are you askin' fer it.
Why don't you go to the RPF & ask who makes the best stormie armor? ;)

seriously though,do you want metal or sintra?Boba or Jango?

I have the sintra Boba,but haven't even started it yet.

Thanks S1P didn't know if asking this was kind of the same as the trooper ;).....

I'm looking for Fett ESB and as for metal, fiberglass or sintra.....not sure...what is better?
Well, I'm using a metal on my armor, so that when I paint it with the greenish, I can just scrap it off where the scrapes/dents are, that why I don't have to worry bout making the scraps look like "real" cause they already are.
Thanks guys for all the info...........

One other questions....on Chris mentions "REX" for a good contact for armor. Has anyone delt with him? or have a set of his armor? I think he offers fiberglass armor.
Welcome aboard TRIP!

Do a search under fiberglass armor and you should find the Bountys you Hunted.

The search engine here is awesome! and The armor TK409 refers to is the best.

Good luck,


Macantosh station 1138 wrote:

Well, I'm using a metal on my armor, so that when I paint it with the greenish, I can just scrap it off where the scrapes/dents are, that why I don't have to worry bout making the scraps look like "real" cause they already are.

One thing to keep in mind with the Metal Armor though is the weight issue. FG and Sintra are going to be significantly lighter. I always thought metal would be cool but I have had my hands on some metal armor in the past and wouldn't want to wear that much weight for an extended period of time.
On the FG armor that Rex offers, you won't find a better person to deal with, and MLC's work is top notch!
I own a set and am confident it'll be the last set of Fett armor I'll need.

TRIP³ wrote:

One other questions....on Chris mentions "REX" for a good contact for armor. Has anyone delt with him? or have a set of his armor? I think he offers fiberglass armor.

Yup. Rex is a fantastic guy, and can hook you up with some really super fiberglass MLC armour. MLC also has lots of other awesome goodies you may want to ask about;)

E2K13 wrote:

Macantosh station 1138 wrote:

Well, I'm using a metal on my armor, so that when I paint it with the greenish, I can just scrap it off where the scrapes/dents are, that why I don't have to worry bout making the scraps look like "real" cause they already are.

One thing to keep in mind with the Metal Armor though is the weight issue. FG and Sintra are going to be significantly lighter. I always thought metal would be cool but I have had my hands on some metal armor in the past and wouldn't want to wear that much weight for an extended period of time.

I'm talking metal sheets thought, nice light weight.
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