New pics of the screen used ESB pistol

Tambo Fett

Active Hunter
These pics are from a recent sale on the Propstore of London of the Bespin Security Blaster (Very much like the Boba side arm)...Did any of you snag this baby? Here are a few pics. I have never seen better shots of this blaster.






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Is this Boba's holstered pistol? If so, can we get these pics added to the photo archives?

And thanks for posting these man they are awesome pics!
can anyone photoshop one of the images above of the Bespin blaster. I would like to see the differences that we know of between the bespin, and Fetts. Btw is Fetts ESB gun totally gone out of the Lucas Archives? Cause I know there aren't many photos of it.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
Yeah that's the Bespin guard blaster, not the same as Boba's.

Yes I know, but they are very much alike and I doubt we will find any pics of the Boba Vesion, so We can only compare what we have.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
I know you know, I was just letting anyone know who didn't know. You know? :)

I know you know that I know:confused but thanks for letting those who don't know.... I'm confused.:D
love how he mentioned the pics are of a bespin security blaster and everyone still asked.

read first, pictures second, less questions

great pictures by the way. and since there are no great pictures of the holstered pistol it might be difficult to photoshop the right colors onto those images as the details and greeblies are easy to see and we have no clue what the colors woudl be for those specifics. i think it is more of thing we all will just have to assume

hey dude, you might wanna see the last line....

I always READ

suggest you do the same.... :p
no, it said that it was the ESB Fett blaster, both in the title and in the message itself...

we are starwars fans here... but we're not all stupid :p just a little obsessed :p
I never said the Blaster was Fetts..I edited the message to read Bespin Secuirty Blaster. I'm sorry if I was not detailed enough in my first post, I guess I just figured most of you would know the details and these pictures are great reference for the ESB Boba side arm. Once again sorry for the confusion....enjoy the pics...Nuff said.
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