New MLC-2 Helmet coming soon!

Bountys Hunted

Well-Known Hunter
Greetings fellow Mandalorians.

A few weeks ago, Mirax posted pics of her new MLC bucket, which unfortunantly, led to her personal description of being a "bobblehead", as she is more of a smaller Bounty Hunter.

In direct response to the bucket not quite being compatible w/ all head / body sizes, we've decided to go ahead and offer a smaller size bucket, so that Bounty Hunters of all sizes will be comfortable with their bucket.


So, we will be asking for body types when inquiring about the MLC buckets. For larger Mandalorians- the MLC-1 will be perfect. For "regular" and smaller Mandalorians, we will be unveiling the MLC-2.

Same details,quality, features, etc. you've come to expect, just in a slightly smaller size.

We began discussing this immeadiately after Mirax's situation. We felt bad that Mirax's elation was dampened by the bucket size...

A bit of "persuasion" and Mardon did up another bucket.


Pics to follow quite soon.

It may be hard to please everyone, but by gosh, we're certainly going to try!!!


take care all,

Now THAT is a fantastic idea! I think that the striving for screen accuracy somewhat crosses the lines of reality when the ladies feel they must have the most accurate to meet the status quo, but have to put up with all the man-sized items. This will certainly help out alot of our smaller headed friends here.

Good move, guys.

Baddblood wrote:

I think it should all depend on shoulder width.
for example, I have a 21" shoulder width so I'd probably go with the MLC-1.

I agree with that, but I also think neck height should also be considered. I have a DP 96 I'm using now, and before the liner, the helmet made it look like I had no neck!:) The liner helped, but now I have to look through the vertical portion of the visor rather than the horizontal part. Thus, I'm very interested in this thread!

Also, helmet space will be a factor as well, since some Fetts use helmet fans, plus battery/wire room, padding, liner, and his/her head, of course. Hope to see it soon.
Awesome idea. As one of the people who has a smaller head, i would be very interested depending upon the price. Any idea on what one of these will cost?
Great idea! I would be interested in one of these down the line.
As far as how big I think it should be-

I'm 5'8, 170. Here I am (Silver and Red in the middle) wearing a DP95 recast.


I think it is a great size for me personally. My head is rather large, particularly front to back.
Great picture, foxbatkllr!

I've been wondering about bucket sizes lately. I'm 6'3, 220 and the Rubies Jango bucket is rather snug. That's a polite way of saying that my chin sticks out the friggin' bottom!!

There is no way I could fit a fan or any other accessory in a Rubies. I don't even need a liner for it, when I smile my cheeks press up against the inside!!

I am looking for a bucket big enough for my melon, but definitely want to avoid the Mirax/Bobblehead effect, or MBE as I think of it :)

What do the experts recommend?
Ibsen, the guy to my left in the pic (the custom) has a Rubies while the guy to my right, Arturo-AKA Seeker as you know him on these boards-has a movie size helmet I believe. The movie size helmet is very large and pretty close to the MLC helmet from what I understand. Arturo is no taller than 5'8" or 5'9" and relatively the same size as myself and it looks pretty good on him. For someone 6'3 220 you would definitely want to go with the MLC-1. No worries about looking like a bobblehead at all. If you go with anything smaller you'd probably look like a pinhead instead. The guy behind me is Hand Schaub as you know him on these boards and his helmet is large but custom made out of aluminum (as is the rest of his armor).

Edit: Oh and for good measure, the tusken way up on the left side (right side in the picture) is MegalomaniacalMandalore.
I had to sell my MLC1 to fund a bunch of other stuff temporarily.

I'll be getting one of these to replace it, methinks!

Watch this space! ;)

Just a quikee update...

The MLC-2 will be the same cost as the MLC-1. There should be plenty of space for fans, etc.

Phantom Viper, it will be available for order soon, I'll let you know.

more soon...

Thanks for pointing out the different helmet types, Foxbatkllr. You guys all look fantastic!!

I appreciate the info. I will take your advice and go with a MLC-1. Sounds like it will be plenty big enough for my huge dome.

Oh, I'd also like to thank Mirax for unknowingly leading me to this forum. I found her website quite by accident and followed the TDH link. I was very impressed with her work and figured I'd check out the forum. I am VERY glad I did. I don't post much, but I am here every day to check out the latest innovations you costuming geniuses come up with.

Have any of you done fanfilms?
No prob Ibsen...and yes I have made a fanfilm currently in postproduction. It had one mandalorian in it, played by MegalomaniacalMandalore. I have future plans for an all mandalorian fanfilm.

Ibsen wrote:

Oh, I'd also like to thank Mirax for unknowingly leading me to this forum. I found her website quite by accident and followed the TDH link. I was very impressed with her work and figured I'd check out the forum. I am VERY glad I did.

You are very welcome, glad I was able to recruit a new member through my site!
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