New Armor


Active Hunter
I made a rashional decision and bought some new armor :D It's more accurate than my previous set and will give me some painting experience :) Also it was quite cheap! £41.59 minus p&p...score!. My Fett is gonna be ROTJ but i can't seem to find a comparison between ROTJ and ESB armor :facepalm I'm sure theres some around somewhere.

I want my armor to look as good as i can, and have found plenty of painting guides but the ones i can remember have been ESB versions...i guess i'm not looking hard enough :facepalm

Anyway i looked on the reference pages from MOM and i don't know whether he is ESB or ROTJ. I'm getting a refence CD soon (i hope) and i guess that would come in handy ;) Well check the stuff out and see what you think :)

Click here

cheers mando :D Has anyone done a ROTJ fett ( there must be some out there!) If so can you post a pic of you armor? Juat some quick shots nothing to special :D i just need to grasp the concept of ROTJ fett.

To be continued

Well with 2 weeks of waiting and the pain of impatience kicking in, I found out that my armor was coming out of UK customs! :thumbsup: However, while everyone was out at work or shcool the armor arrived with no one to recive it :angry So it has gone back to the local depot, for me to collect another day :cry


Finally! It came :thumbsup: I'm extremley happy with the product and will be starting painting right away! 8)


New Armor.JPG
Heres a shot after silvering up, I'm following Pavespawns thread and i was wondering where can i get masking fluid? What do you think?

It looks like Jango!

So, i've trawled round some of my local shops and found nothing that looks remotely like the green i need for my Boba :(

This my friends is where you come in! Can anyone give me an idea of where to get the green i need for the armor? It needs to be in UK really as thats where i live :p

Any help is good :thumbsup:


Dentedarmor said:
So, i've trawled round some of my local shops and found nothing that looks remotely like the green i need for my Boba :(

This my friends is where you come in! Can anyone give me an idea of where to get the green i need for the armor? It needs to be in UK really as thats where i live :p

Any help is good :thumbsup:


I used Krylon Satin Olive Green and am VERY happy with it. Spray can, dries in 12 minutes.
I feel your pain with the customs. I've been waiting a week and a half for my MS bucket.

The MOM, if I'm not mistaken, is an ROTJ with an ESB bucket. So, good reference for armor. Also, the masking fluid is hard to come by and expensive. Mustard works just as well. Paint it on, it dries, wash it off after you paint.

The only thing I can suggest on paint is mail order perhaps. Unless Krylon has a UK company under a different name.
DA - Did you get this from a guy in the states? Looks almost identical to the first set I bought. The backplate that came with mine was way too small the the butt plate is far too tall.

I still use my collar plate and shoulder bells, but everything else I remade.

Also, PM Bobamaker. He lives in London, I believe. Maybe he can help you out on locating the correct paints.

Yeah i got it from the states :) from Georgia? The backplate is small but as i am I don't really mind ;) I'll PM bobamaker see what he says :)



Dentedarmor said:
Yeah i got it from the states :) from Georgia?

Mine came from GA as well. Does it have AD stamped on the back of each piece? I think I bought mine from the "flaming sword" or something like that, but I think he has since changed his ebay moniker.

Dentedarmor said:
The backplate is small but as i am I don't really mind ;)

Mine was REALLY too small. I'm using it on my 6 year-olds suit with very minor modifications. Your butt plate needs to be cut down by about half to more accurate.

Dentedarmor said:
I'll PM bobamaker see what he says :)

Daz is a good guy. I'm sure he can help you out.
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