need vest...this turtleneck isnt going to work out...

never risk fett

Active Hunter
anyone know a cheaper (less then 100 coins) alt. to a vest. i have a thin turtle neck, but it seems puffy? just need some imput..or even a sell or two. good night gents
never_risk_the_fett_man said:
anyone know a cheaper (less then 100 coins) alt. to a vest. i have a thin turtle neck, but it seems puffy? just need some imput..or even a sell or two. good night gents

Go to TK409's website. Excellent price and craftsmanship.
ah yes , i to used the turtle neck , just before realizing that this project is going to cost a crap load of cash .here is a pic of my very first attempt ...don't laugh .

first fett.jpg
never_risk_the_fett_man said:
dude, from the knees up, that looks prety damn sweet actaully, are u sayin the turtle is not a good idea? any reasons?

I can name at least one. It's a stretch knit fabric. Which means the armor will sag and pull away from your body when you attach it to the vest. The vest is one soft part that's hard to find an easy way around. Fortunately, they aren't that expensive. TK409 sells em for about 65 a pop if I remember correctly. I'll probably be putting a few up for sale once I get my fabric in and can put up a good finished pic of my own, and will likely match TK's price. Mine will be padded and lined. I'm stll working out a resource for the fabric right now. Hopefully I'll get thru to the folks I need to talk to tomorrow.

If you want to see the prototype it's in this thread:

Ignore the pooch in the back. It doesn't have a full closure yet, it's just pinned on for fitting purposes. With a zipper, it fill conform to the curve of the back.
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