Need some Sintra


New Hunter
I need to get busy with my armor and my aluminum is a no due to available time. The next best thing is this amazing material called sintra. the problem is I am not sure where I should buy it and how much I should be paying for it. I am half tempted to buy a pre-made set but there are other concerns that I need to address that I guarantee no one has a fix for. SOOOOO does anyone have a good source of this 'magic' pvc :confused I would always appreciate any help you could render.

On another note, I have received my gauntlets from the supreme white fett :thumbsup: . but I am having trouble cleaning them up. I do not want the fiberglass to split where I need to trim it so I was wondering how you all got past that part? do you cut it with a box cutter? I am using a dremel but I am not sure if I am causing more harm then good. If I destroy this set of gauntlets in the fix phase my wife will not be happy that i killed my birthday help please :) me. You have my e-mail too. We can discuss the best approach to trim. You may need to get a Dremel attachment that can cut fiberglass without leaving a burr or rough edge.

Send me a PM with your telephone number. Just in case you were wondering, earlier I was expressing some frustration about a newbie for getting raw on me about my white fiberglass gauntlets (that newbie be not you of course). He presumed he was getting the ones you have. I posted 2 sets, I had 2 potential and the "other" guy. You paid first, you picked the ROTJ-style and all that were left were my personal white ones, and I confirmed that with him...he said he wanted my white ones...then after he got them, complained they were not the ROTJ versions and sent me pictures of yours back to me after he opened them up. I even offered a refund (I care about my rep and a lot of people here on TDH can vouch for me and like me...really, really like me! - that was so Sally Field!)... You know, I actually wanted them back.

I will help you in any way possible. Plus I can make your Sintra armor as well. I look forward to talking to you very soon.

Later Friend,


Mandalorian9 said:
I need to get busy with my armor and my aluminum is a no due to available time. The next best thing is this amazing material called sintra. the problem is I am not sure where I should buy it and how much I should be paying for it. I am half tempted to buy a pre-made set but there are other concerns that I need to address that I guarantee no one has a fix for. SOOOOO does anyone have a good source of this 'magic' pvc :confused I would always appreciate any help you could render.

On another note, I have received my gauntlets from the supreme white fett :thumbsup: . but I am having trouble cleaning them up. I do not want the fiberglass to split where I need to trim it so I was wondering how you all got past that part? do you cut it with a box cutter? I am using a dremel but I am not sure if I am causing more harm then good. If I destroy this set of gauntlets in the fix phase my wife will not be happy that i killed my birthday help please :)
ican give you a phone number for sintra OR you can go to "FastSigns" and buy some sintra from them, It is also callled Kydex or Komotex PVC based sheet goods basically. :)

PM me if you need more help.

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