Need Help

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Hey Guys,

Im in the process of putting my jet pack to geather and have a couple of gaps. I need to know the excact name and where to get any thing that I could use for filling them in. I dont want to use bondo cause I would like a little play. I was considering caulk? I know some where here was some sort of green clay/putty? So any help woud be great. Thank You in advance,
How about a tube of Silicone II? It's a clear gel, that dries to a rubbery texture. You can find it at Home Depot and other home improvement stores. I also use it to seal visors and such.

So how's the rest of your Fett coming?
The helmet isnt that "screen acurate" but its probobly a DP recast, JP is coming along all right. Its not fitting flush some places with gaps. Ill shoot ya pics later tonite. But for the price. You cant beat it. It good enogh for me and thats all I care about.
I hear ya FETT234. I am in the process of painting mune after like a year of assembly and filling gaps, etc. Uugh! I though I would never finish. Mine is an older style and some of the detailing is off , so I am trying to remedy that.

The green stuff is plain "Modelling Putty". You can find it at a good hobby shop. I used it on my blaster and JP. For the bigger gaps I used 2 part epoxy. Not flexible though. Ialso used GOOP to fill and bond. The GOOP isn't really snadable, but you could use to fill in some of the gap and bond and then some epoxy or putty to sand into the right shape.
Also, if you can find it, I highly recommend Testor's red putty over Squadron green. I know alot of hobbyists are very fond of Squadron, so I'll catch a little flak for that. But Testor's red dries in a fraction of the time that Squadron does. And it's easier to sand. Just my opinion...

batninja wrote:

Also, if you can find it, I highly recommend Testor's red putty over Squadron green. I know alot of hobbyists are very fond of Squadron, so I'll catch a little flak for that. But Testor's red dries in a fraction of the time that Squadron does. And it's easier to sand. Just my opinion...

Great! NOW ya tell me. :lol:!!!
Thanks Eric,

I picked some up today and man does that Shat reak. Even out side. It says it takes 20 min to dry but Im doing a coat a day. just to be safe cause its humid here. Other than that thanks for the info. It helped. No pics for you eric until I have itready. But I will be asking more questions for ya. Thanks again guys.
My advice would be to reinforce any areas that you anticipate will want to flex. I did this with very small (and light) strips of wood and epoxy. Once the flex is gone, Bondo is the best choice for anding and shaping.
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