New Hunter
Whats up everybody. I am a new found member here, and definitely am planning on building a nasty Boba. Um, i think i would like to start with the helm first. I have a helm already but like a lot of fans i am not satisfied with it. I know it is a DP but, year i am uncertain about. The box says 96 and on the helm it says 97 soo...guessing its a 97. I have been looking around at a lot of places and i do believe the best one i have seen is the MS2. I also like BM's its really quality. Basically i have been researching and am still undecided and would like to hear everyones thoughts in one barrel to see which way i go. Also, if anyone wants my helm its for sale, real cheap and if i can ever figure out how to post pics i'll put some up..happy threading