My very first armor for only 6 $$!

Commander OLL

New Hunter
Ok, my nam is Oskar I am 13 tears old and live in Sweden.
What do I want to do? I want to make a boba so i buy a few buckets.
I print out my templates and put them on the bucket and begin to cut it out..
How did it turn out? What do you think?
Remember I am only 13 years old it is the first time I try to do this so please don´t be so hard on me..:)
Picture nr 1: All the parts

Picture nr 2: The template on the bucket ready for action!:p

Picture nr 3:The template off..

Picture nr 4:The armor i cuted out and ready for paint.

Picture nr 5:I tryed to make a undercout but failed!:( I will try to paint it again with other paint laiter...
That's a great start.
What did you try to use as an undercoat?
Usually bucket armor needs to be sanded really good have a spray primer applied. Keep it up!
Actually I used warhammer paint!:p
I didn´t used spray primer I used a brush!:X
Thats why the paint is really bad! Byt i will buy spray paint this week I think and try again!:)
I think I will try to do another try with not so thinn platsic!
But I learnd much when doing this set of armor!
Have the most of you guys here made more another armor after your first one because you didn´t liked your first one?
Sorry for my spelling...
it looks great for a first try!

i think thicker plastic will help. before you paint it, sand it out really well... it will help the paint to stick.

good luck, and make sure to post more pics as you go!
Commander_O.L.L said:
I think I will try to do another try with not so thinn platsic!
But I learnd much when doing this set of armor!
Have the most of you guys here made more another armor after your first one because you didn´t liked your first one?
Sorry for my spelling...

Well, me first try was at an age of about 20. I tried to do an armor out of wireframes and paper. I had very few reference images availale and completely failed.

Later I tried it again with the cardboard standee as reference, and failed again.

Again later, I was about 25 I tried to make my own sculpts out of fiberglass and, your guessed right, failed again.

Only about an half year ago, my interrest of making an armor was awakened again after visiting a local convention. Since I am more skilled in painting than in sculpting I buy my parts from various artists over here and just paint them myself. Now I finally get my own armor.
MMmm.. as all previous posters have already stated.. it looks awesome for your first try.
And as all of the others have said you need to roughen the surface of the plastic up with some sand papper. Put a layer of spray primer, let dry and sand again. Put on another layer of primer, let dry.. and then! you are ready to start painting.

Warhammer has some great colors that can be used... but they are expensive and painting all the armor peices is, imo, not worth it. Try to find some spraypaint instead. Though you'll have to bring an adult. There is an age limit of 16 (or 18 i think) to buy spraypaint in sweden.. (Damn those vandalising little punks!)
Boba Swede said:
MMmm.. as all previous posters have already stated.. it looks awesome for your first try.
And as all of the others have said you need to roughen the surface of the plastic up with some sand papper. Put a layer of spray primer, let dry and sand again. Put on another layer of primer, let dry.. and then! you are ready to start painting.

Warhammer has some great colors that can be used... but they are expensive and painting all the armor peices is, imo, not worth it. Try to find some spraypaint instead. Though you'll have to bring an adult. There is an age limit of 16 (or 18 i think) to buy spraypaint in sweden.. (Damn those vandalising little punks!)
Can I use white spay paint for primer?
Or what will i use?
Not bad at all for a first try, and at a young age it s very good. Persistence pays off my friend!

You can use any colour as primer really. AS everyone else has said you rally need to sand it down, so the paint has something to stick to. Kinda like velcro. Two smooth/soft bits won't stick together but if you use a soft and rough bit it will stick.

Definately use sprays though, its a lot better. Try investing in an airbrush you will notice the difference. The Warhammer paints can be good for Boba stuff, as they can be easily mixed.

How thick is the plastic? You may not necessarily need to get anything thicker.

Good luck, and welcome to TDH!
hopefull fett said:
That is one cool paintjob, pal. All hand painted? Very cool indeed. What type of bucket was it? I'm going to try to use your design for my own armor soon.
It is a ordinary bucket about 1mm... (lol)
The paintjob is all made by hand... But it dosen´t looks that good i reality..
If you will try this try with a thicker bucket.:)
Good luck!;)
Yeah, just go to a hardware store and get you a can of "Spray Primer" and spray that onto the plastic. Then your next layer of paint will stick.
Wow,I got to give you props! There are not many kids your age trying to attempt something like this. Usually slacking off somewhere but very good job, keep it up.
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