My UPDATED Side Pockets !

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
First a BIIIGG thanks to BOBAMAKER :thumbsup: for his great pouches. :D ( cant await to get the his flak vest in a few weeks :love !! )

Today I did a small update to the pouches. First I added a strip a velcro to the top flap to attach them inside the ammo belt.

Then I build two frames out of foamcore... give them their known, rectangular look. The are removeable so I can make them working pouches at any time.
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In ROTJ they are not rectangular as seen in ESB, though I have em rectangular on my ROTJ aswell :)

looks good!!
Really :confused Wow, I didn´t know that.

Guess, I am too affected by the looks of all the different toy figures, wich all have the sharp-edged pouches, ESB or ROTJ. :facepalm

Ah, the frames are removeable, so its no prob. :)
hmm... I don't know if you have "the fact files" but the shot of fett taken from when his blaster gets chopped taken from the ground shows flat pocket thingies.

but I prefer the filled ones.

what does work aswell is to put some metal heavy thingies in, this will make it look more like as af there's something in your pockets, but will also make a ringling sound when ou walk ala ESB.
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