my scratchbuilt steel armor


New Hunter
Here is my scrstchbuilt metal armor. I have started to make this out of 18 guage steel and welding any pieces I need to. This armor set will go with my helmet I made and I am still working on that. Here is the helmet link

When I'm done they might be up for sale, I will probably want to keep this set cause it is my first but I will make more to sell. Enjoy the pics and I will post more as they come.

The cod piece will be made soon as well as the back plate, but the rest is in primer and you can see the dents all hammered out. I did these with my hammer and an anvil.





hehe id love to wear a full steel 16g set on the field at war. and a custom boba helm with a grill cage. tha might work.. time to call the SCA for some armor makers.
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