not sure about the colour and I think they need a bit of weathering but hey its one step nearer a complted costume A big thanks to WoF for the templates, cheers
Wow, thanks for the great comments ppl. You know, if it wasn't for the members on this forum with their encouragement, i wouldn't have acheived half of what i have built. THANK YOU :cheers
The last pic i posted was weathered, although as most of you probably appreciate, you spend all those hours making these beautiful things and then 'ruin' them by covering them in dirt. It breaks my heart to defile my precious props
These are the only bits of kit which i didn't take progress pics of . It was just a case of i decided to start them and practically finished them the same day. I basically used WoF plans and cut them from 2mm thick plastic card from a hobby shop (a little to flexible for my liking but seems ok). I used two part resin to acheive the bottom of the knees and built the dart housing from the plastic card (with a bit of resin to shape them). The darts were bought from ebay (so not scratch built), and the 1" elastic was basically glued in place on one side (JB Weld) and attached with velcro on the other.
I will get some pics from the back of them to highlight the above. They don't look quite so nice from the rear