My New Boots


Active Hunter
I finaly got pair of Cheng boots this morning, sold to me from a nice bloke on RPF ;)
fett boot2.jpg
fett boot1.jpg

There a little bit tight but cant complain, well probaly will after ive spent an hour walking in them.:) :) :)



Ah yes we are the few, the proud, the MC Fett boot owners :D
However our dynasty may soon crumble with the coming of the new "SUPER FETT BOOTS" its sad :cry but all good things must end. Bring on the latest Fett suit upgrade. I welcome it, after all its just one more liter of blood I'll have to sell in my quest for Fett suit perfection.
Another pair of legendary MC boots in the UK?

Nice going Neil. I'm not at all jealous.

No really.


Well, maybe a little.

OK a lot.

Can this thread be deleted now, it's been up nearly 24 hours and I'm sick of looking at it!


Great find Neil. Congrats!


Han Hunter wrote:

Another pair of legendary MC boots in the UK?

Nice going Neil. I'm not at all jealous.

No really.


Well, maybe a little.

OK a lot.

Can this thread be deleted now, it's been up nearly 24 hours and I'm sick of looking at it!


Great find Neil. Congrats!


I share your same thoughts! Great finding Neil!

These will do just fine. There will always be "upgrades" and such but the cash is just needed elsewhere. I just want ONE completed Boba outfit. I don't need 15 helmets and 8 jet packs, etc. Lol!!!

I have been thinking what to do once I am done (if ever) with Boba??? Jedi or Stormtrooper???
hi guys

When i got them the other day i was wearing them whilst watching big bruv on the TV and easting my diner as you.

The misses came in and took one look at my feet and said "what the F$%?ing hell have you got your feet"

I replied "these are my new find and are Cheng boots" i said smiling ear to ear

the misses looked at me as if i gone made LOL
I told her that these are link finding the Holy Grail and she just looked at thinking YOU STAR WARS GEEK YOU as shes dose often.

I wont say hove much i paid for them as you guys will curse me all ill say is bargin




Jedi-Bob wrote:

These will do just fine. There will always be "upgrades" and such but the cash is just needed elsewhere. I just want ONE completed Boba outfit. I don't need 15 helmets and 8 jet packs, etc. Lol!!!

The trick is to sell the old part after you get the new, or sell the old to finance the new. If I didn't do that I would have just what you mentioned, 3 helmets, 2 JP's, 4 sets of gauntlets, etc but I still only have one complete Boba outfit... :lol: :lol:
That also works well with the wife too and helps to justify "things" alittle. ;)

Great snag UK-scout!
I can see a sudden selling frenzy of MC boots on eBay shortly when the new big guns step out.
If I get it on the that boot run my MC boots will be up FS to finance the new ones.

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