My new BobaMaker RF **modified**

Boba Swede

Active Hunter
Got my hollow RF from Boba Maker before last weekend. Spent the weekend working on it, installing a clear lens and stuff... anyway.. here are the results..





Ironiclly.. had i waited a week or two before ordering this i could of gotten his already "hollowed out" hollow RF with lens.. *sigh*
Boba Swede said:
Got my hollow RF from Boba Maker before last weekend. Spent the weekend working on it, installing a clear lens and stuff... anyway.. here are the results..





Ironiclly.. had i waited a week or two before ordering this i could of gotten his already "hollowed out" hollow RF with lens.. *sigh*
Looking very nice, what light kit is going inside?
Going to make my own.. Two LEDs blinking alternative with the use of a transistor and perhaps two/three condensators (?? not sure if they are called that in english) and a white or green light which shines out the clear lens.. or i'm going to paint the lens with glasspaint. haven't decided. Oh.. and a tiltswtich & battery ofcourse..
Evilution said:
condensators = resistors.

I'm not 100% but i'm pretty sure that is not what i meant. The resistor increases the resistans and hightens the voltage (If i remmeber my physics correct) but the thing i'm talking about is one of those things that takes time to charge up and then releases the current only to charge up again...
Boba Swede said:
Evilution said:
condensators = resistors.

I'm not 100% but i'm pretty sure that is not what i meant. The resistor increases the resistans and hightens the voltage (If i remmeber my physics correct) but the thing i'm talking about is one of those things that takes time to charge up and then releases the current only to charge up again...

anything particular you used for the lens??? I'll be hollowing out an old hollow BM rangefinder soon and am on the lookout for a lens....I was thinking plexiglass,but not too sure yet.

I used 4mm thick plexiglas.. but don't use a dremel tool to cut it out. the high speed only melts the plastic and sticks to the blade making an uneven cut. I used a really fine toothed hand saw.. (bowfile in englsih ??)
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