my low budget jango pack.


Active Hunter
For awhile now I have been toying with doing a Jango but.. the jet pack seemed a major concern. Twice I have almost sold this project but my wife has told me not to. She says what if you don't go into the Army then you will want to keep it. It seems that I am indeed going within the next month so now the race to finish it is on. The cones and nozzles were from asok. I started out with cardboard and some spray plastic.
I have now moved onto bondo and fiberglass to use to mold fill holes and use as glue. Guess this will be one tough pack when I am done.
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Just an update on my cheap jet pack. Just a not I wanted to see if I could do it with no measurements templates or anything except visual. had add to the width due to my shoulders being wide. When I am done I will have my jet pack and holster. Then i will need to fing the rest of the stuff.
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Wow that looks really great! I scratchbuilt my pack aswell. Not to hijack or anything, but ...

That's a pretty ancient picture, but it's still on one peice! (Sort of...)
That's awesome!! I love the mini model too Is that the unleashed?? I have one too It sits on the top of my monitor anyway I am finished with the chassis. I love the colors but the missle always did intimidate me. The coolest parts of scratch build to me is I only spent about 100.00 ( not counting time) on parts like bondo, fiberglass, the cones tape, paint and foamboard. All thta's left is to put the harness on.
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Yes that is the unleashed pack. Your pack looks great! How much does it weigh? Mine weighs practically nothing. I don't feel the pack on myself at all. I just used simple snaps (like backpack snaps).
mine really doesn't weigh much. At least I do not thinks so. I may be a bad judge though, as I am now walking 9 miles a day with an alice pack full of water bottles. I would gues the jet pack weighs in at 5 lbs?? at the most. The bondo and fiberglass make it fairly sturdy and nothing sticks out like on my ESB pack so I am not worried about losing a thruster.
All in all I am pleased at how it turned out. Now I am toying with putting either Straps on OR a military harness any ideas?/??
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