My Full suit, almost there !

Real Scooby

Active Hunter
I finally brought up the mannequin up from the basement and dressed him up.

He is a little bit on the skinny side, so the beltd and the chest armor is looking a littel "loose" I will stuff him up a little bit later. I also need to do something about the hands. Because of their pose, I can´t pull the gloves over the thumbs. Either I try to find another, more neutral set, or I will make some on my own. Maybe some that are moveable, so they cant hold the blaster.

Things missing :

Cod and Butt Armor
Back Armor
Jet Pack
LED Unit for Chest Armor

I am pretty happy with it :grin: :grin:
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Excuse my dirty mind, but it looks like he's trying to mount something.

Awesome suit, BTW. It's really coming along.
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I have an extra "Butt Armour" that has been laser cut laying around downstairs. I could sell it to ya :) PM me if you're interested. How does $15 + shipping sound?
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I have an extra "Butt Armour" that has been laser cut laying around downstairs. I could sell it to ya :) PM me if you're interested. How does $15 + shipping sound?

Thanks everyone, and thanks for the offer GCNgamer, but since about 90 % are BM parts, I want to finish it with his parts too.
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