My Flak Vest Alternative


Hello all! Just wanted to share a cool find. I did a ESB helmet paint up a few years back, and I've been itching to expand the costume out for display at home.
I'm not too invested in super screen accuracy, I just want it to look the part and have a nice feel on a budget. With that in mind, I decided to improvise on some of the soft parts of the costume.

I was looking for a substitute for the flak vest for a long time with no luck.
I finally asked my awesome wife what she thought, showed her some reference pictures and she goes "That sort of looks like a fencing shirt!"

$20 later, I picked up this! It is a heavy white satin sheen canvas material, that zips up from the back and has a full neck seal that velcros shut in the back.



I think this is going to work awesome for a budget build, we are going to trim the bottom off and cut the sleeves into the shoulder caps!
Hello all! Just wanted to share a cool find. I did a ESB helmet paint up a few years back, and I've been itching to expand the costume out for display at home.
I'm not too invested in super screen accuracy, I just want it to look the part and have a nice feel on a budget. With that in mind, I decided to improvise on some of the soft parts of the costume.

I was looking for a substitute for the flak vest for a long time with no luck.
I finally asked my awesome wife what she thought, showed her some reference pictures and she goes "That sort of looks like a fencing shirt!"

$20 later, I picked up this! It is a heavy white satin sheen canvas material, that zips up from the back and has a full neck seal that velcros shut in the back.

View attachment 219889
View attachment 219890

I think this is going to work awesome for a budget build, we are going to trim the bottom off and cut the sleeves into the shoulder caps!
Where did you grab this?
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