My fiberglass armor.


Active Hunter
Ok, so since I don't think anyone produces armor that really fits my size that well, I decided to make my own. These are the fiberglass pieces I pulled today. They're still rough, but I'm getting better each time and these will clean up nice I think. The best part about these is that they fit me like a glove. Each bend and curve of the armor hugs my body perfectly. I can't wait to get these painted up.

armor good.jpg
Ya know guys, before this whole "Fett Thing" happened to me, I wouldn't stay up til almost 3 laying fiberglass. I blame all of you.
digital509 said:
Ya know guys, before this whole "Fett Thing" happened to me, I wouldn't stay up til almost 3 laying fiberglass. I blame all of you.
don't blame me (in fact, don't blame any of us), blame Fett!
leave it raw it looks MEAN!!!! when people ask you wear your armor is say its the one that saw BAD MUTHA BANTHA FODDER in it! hehehe
haha, the raw fiberglass would look cool as some sort of armor, it has a somewhat organic look to it.

Today I got my collar made. It turned out really well, I don't think it will need anymore fg added. I had to put a couple more layers in the rest of the pieces. Hopefully tomorow I'll get an update pic posted. And by tomorow I mean 3 am or so :)
dude... that is awesome!!

wish you could make a pull or 2 of my shield, then I'd be sure it would look awesome!!

excellent work!!
digital509 said:
Ok, I hit the armor with some cheap paint so I can see where the work still needs to be done. It's getting there tho.
nice... 8)

that's some pretty good-looking armor there! maybe i should try fiberglass myself.
Well it's still TOO rough. I haven't really done any actually sanding, just some dremel cleanup. 2 days off starting tomorow, maybe I can make some real progress then.
BTW, I'm really glad I listened to all the safety advice on this forum about working with fiberglass. If I hadn't I'd probably be either dead, or too braindead to know I was alive.
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