My ESB EE3 blaster in build

Dark Amon

Active Hunter
hi, i start the construction of my ESB EE3 blaster :
I used a replica of 357 magnum (toy) , for the first tube i used a PVC tube, the flash tube was very expansive i prefere used a chromed tube from vacuum cleaner and i maked on it a small hole same of flash tube.

the scope is simply the true functional scope, i buy it in Décathlon center for less of 20 euros.


i sculpted the form with epoxy past and after it hard i sanded it.



Now i buy on e-bay 4 molex connector and a small piece (revell's V8 small part).
that's all for this day !
i fix the 2 of 4 molex connector

i have problem for finish my EE-3 how to fix the stick of rifle at the handle of the gun ? i think to use a metal parts but i dont know work with metal ! if i made it with syntra or plastic i think it's not strong and it break in the time !
Anyone sell this metall part ?
First off, that is a very impressive build you're doing there! It's looking great! Keep up the good work and posting images so we can see and drool over it! :)

Now, as for the connector plate, you might want to try Sidewinder. His is made from Resin and has a metal plate in it for extra stability. When I bought the kit he sells, it came with it, but he might be able to make one up for you as well as the stock (if you are interested) for a reasonable price!!!
wow, I have the same toy gun here, and ready to make the same....I don`t have the camera to show it,but it was weird to see the same toy, I think you in france and I in spain, we have buy the same stuff......
chewiepal said:
wow, I have the same toy gun here, and ready to make the same....I don`t have the camera to show it,but it was weird to see the same toy, I think you in france and I in spain, we have buy the same stuff......
yes it's possible !
for the size of my gun.... yes i think so ! but with the helmet it's impossible to look in the scope (my scope was functional) now i test and it's OK !
well i think is not a big problem because the true boba was 1,75 meter and me 1,82 meter !
Sidewinder, if anyone give me the exact size , i dont make it too long ! i make this blaster only with the eyes !
Sidewinder do you have the metal plate for fix the stick of rifle and the sidewinder part ?
It reminds me of the gun that The Joker used in the first batman movie when he shot the BatWing out of the sky and it crashed into that church. No offense meant, that was just what it reminded me of due to the length.
Looks good .....but I also think its too long. I would shorten the "flash" tube 2-3" and the main barrel about 4". That should get the proportions more in check.
I love the weathering, but I agree the barrel is too long...

The rear of the scope should sit just about directly above where the barrel and receiver meet, and the flash tube looks as though it sticks out about 2 inches too far...

Reference pic...

Nice work Ripcode. That looks 100% better to me. Still looks like the main barrel is a little long, but I can see the spice and why you stopped where you did.
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