My ESB armor

Geeze, I almost had to go out & check my armour bin to see if my aromur was still there!!! :lol: Seriously, both sets look incredible!!! Well done indeed!!!
Thanks :)

Had a couple of people ask about what color I used. For the ESB it's RLM 82 (enamel) with a heavy black wash. Not sure what to think about this color... seems alittle drab in some lighting.
Yaaaay, finally! I think it looks terrific, I noticed it's a little dark/drab depending on the lighting, but once it's all together I think it matches the photos quite well. Get some close-ups though, I wanna see the details!
Thanks :)

Had a couple of people ask about what color I used. For the ESB it's RLM 82 (enamel) with a heavy black wash. Not sure what to think about this color... seems alittle drab in some lighting.
I used Panzer Olive as my base color...Then misted US Med Green (lightly), Then used RLM 82, also misted pretty heavy..:thumbsup: ...then weathered of course.
I think it's a good mix..:thumbsup:
gives it a Gray hue .....
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