My costume progress

Down in Flames

New Hunter
Hello all,
This is my Boba costume so far....(One of the pics is dark for some reason)
My idea in the future is to complete both the ESB and ROTJ costumes.
This one (My first one) is intended to be ROTJ. I know the helmet and cape are ESB, but these are all the parts I have so far, so I decided to put it on a mannequin to see how it looks in general.
It´s missing:
ROTJ Helmet and cape. (Where can I find a good ROTJ helmet by the way?)
Boot spikes (Coming in this week)
Jet Pack and Rifle (Will be coming in soon from Rex/MLC ! )
Please feel free to make comments !!!! I really want it to be perfect so your input and help is highly appretiated and most welcome.
Thanks !



Woah...Looking dang good so far!!! could definately use some more weathering though, especially on the legs & boots. Keep up the great work;)
There shouldn't be any hoses on the left gauntlet.

There should be be (3) hoses going to the right gauntlet.

Otherwise, looking nice so far! :)
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