My 99% finished Fett


Well-Known Hunter
Well I am just about finished with my new and improved Fett!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:, I know I am a short version of Mr. Fett but that is something I cant do much about...:cry

Please feel free to offer up any other words...let me have it!!!

I want to thank a few people who have inspired me over the last year....:cheers

Jango Wes and guys were the ones who "encouraged me" to do it myself...thanks were right:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Spideyfett....I owe you big time...I could have never finished this without your constant are my jedi master!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Marrow Sun...your helmet is the ONLY part of my FETT that I did not paint...I thought about painting my own helmet but why try to upgrade something that is PERFECT!!:)

Fettpride...your armor is truly the best of the best!!:cheers

and finally I want to thank the following people: Ruffkintoy, MLC, Man of War, TK409, Skygunbro, Obi Sean Kenobi and Evan4218:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I am sure many more upgrades will come but for now I am FINISHED except for some small details like attaching my wookie braids and completing my chest display.

now on to Jango?????




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OUT FREAKIN STANDING!!!:eek: :eek: ...

WOW Jason you have really come a long way my friend.....many upgrades and many changes....all for the better.:thumbsup:

You should make a fine fett for the Macy's Parade..:thumbsup:

ALL PROPS to you my Brother!!:thumbsup:

oh.. you know me.....don't forget the TOE SPIKES!!!!;)

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yes...toe spikes..they are on order! hopefully they will be here in about a week!!

thanks for the kind words my friend!!

OUT FREAKIN STANDING!!!:eek: :eek: ...

WOW Jason you have really come a long way my friend.....many upgrades and many changes....all for the better.:thumbsup:

You should make a fine fett for the Macy's Parade..:thumbsup:

ALL PROPS to you my Brother!!:thumbsup:

oh.. you know me.....don't forget the TOE SPIKES!!!!;)

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Looks like you lost a wookiee braid on your jet pack and you've got another hooked on it!! Nice job on the costume though!! Sad thing about Fett is that our costumes will always say 99%...
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