MS Helmet


New Hunter
I pm'd MS about his helmets, and got no answer.

I would like to know how much his helmets cost, what method does he use to sell his (ebay or whatever), and any other useful information.

Any help is appreciated :)
fredanger said:
Does anyone know where and how to track down a MS helmet?? I am 6'3 and need a larger helmet.
Yes, PM Marrow Sun. He is a member here. If he's too busy try BM, he is also very good from what I've been told. I have a MS that I got very quickly but sometime you have to wait longer depending on how busy he is. Well worth the wait though! :thumbsup:
pennywisesweetooth said:
Yes, PM Marrow Sun. He is a member here. If he's too busy try BM, he is also very good from what I've been told. I have a MS that I got very quickly but sometime you have to wait longer depending on how busy he is. Well worth the wait though! :thumbsup:

I have many dealins with BM ( and I just ordered one of his helmets and I KNOW I will not be dissapointed.

Hi ,

The BM bucket is made for little or tall guys ???
Same question for the MS helmet :)
I'm 5'7" and I need a little helmet so ...

Thank u
Eskilax said:
Hi ,

The BM bucket is made for little or tall guys ???
Same question for the MS helmet :)
I'm 5'7" and I need a little helmet so ...

Thank u
It should look fine, even if it's big you can pad the inside. Also if you ever noticed Boba's helmet is kinda big on him anyway.
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