Mrgr8ness ROTJ blaster


Well-Known Hunter
Finally got around to painting up my blaster this weekend. Its a TD4242. This kit is awesome. So crisp and clean, and very little prep work needed. Big thanks to Spidyfett for the "rust" recipe. :thumbsup: I took some pics with and without flash. I will take some outdoor pics with natural color, if I am ever home during daylight hours:(





I have seen those blasters start to finish andBill lives in my state and yet I still dont have one and am very jealous! Nice weathering job very subtle!
Thanks guys! There are some great kits out there but a few things stood out to me on this one. I like the fact it is cast in black resin. There are tons of sharp edges on the blaster, and it gets handled a lot. No matter how much matte sealer you put on, it will eventually start wearing paint at sharp edges. It really won't be noticable with black underneath. I also like the all aluminum stock connector and the fact the kit comes mostly assembled and doesn't need much prep. I have too many projects going on, and was happy to pick up and awesome blaster that I could have finished up in minimal time. And like JB said, its very lightweight not to mention pretty strong
That looks fantastic!

It gives me hope for my TD4242 kit.

Can you take a pic of the hammer area? on mine the casting is a little wonkey and I was wondering if it was just mine or a common problem.

Also, what kind of screws did you use to fasten the stalk and connector to the hand grip?
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NICE WORK NIC!!:eek: ......looks like the MR version...Sweeeet!!:thumbsup:

Looks like I'm gonna get me one of these blasters (TD4242)..:)

Glad I could help.
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That looks fantastic!

It gives me hope for my TD4242 kit.

Can you take a pic of the hammer area? on mine the casting is a little wonkey and I was wondering if it was just mine or a common problem.

Also, what kind of screws did you use to fasten the stalk and connector to the hand grip?

The hammer area on mine was a little screwy too. I did have to do a touch of fiberglass and dremel body work there. I actually used Goop to glue the stock connector to the stock and the gun, and used regular countersunk wood screws. The screws don't do as much holding together as the Goop does. I went real cheap on the paint. Walmart brand flat black spray paint. Then a mixture of charcoal and dark grey misted on with the airbrush. Then the silver and rust. All cheap craft acrylics from the craft store.

Alex, thanks bud! I actually did alter the recipe with just a tad of Antique Gold. I agreed with you, that the MR paintjob just looked so much better that the exhibits. It just has a "real" look to it.
Alex, thanks bud! I actually did alter the recipe with just a tad of Antique Gold. I agreed with you, that the MR paintjob just looked so much better that the exhibits. It just has a "real" look to it.

Exactly..:thumbsup: ..again nice work Nic.
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