MLC Stubby: any assembly advice or tutorial?


Active Hunter
I recently recieved my MLC Jet Pack (thnks MLC!!!)

Bt I have no idea how to rig the thing up properly so it can be attached to my armor using the clips.

I did a surface search but nothing much came up...

I figured there would be a few MLC users here, so why not create a thread for all to refer to.
The backs of both the classic JP as well as the Arena JP are basically the same. So any strapping tutorial on Boba's classic JP could be applied to the Arena as well :)

Mardon (MLC)
I'm gonna work on mine hopefully next week and I'll share what I try out.

I think the opening panel might be a little big, making the attachment points within the opening rather than above it so I will place some notches in the sides of the opening panel for the straps to go into. I will probably place some sort of cross brace that goes inside the pack at that point so it sort of "hinges" the straps down to the metal brackets inside the bottom. The original had a piece of leather covering that portion anyway so it can cover the notches in the opening panel
@MLC: o....rly? i will take a second look then. Ty once again!

I'm gonna work on mine hopefully next week and I'll share what I try out.

I think the opening panel might be a little big, making the attachment points within the opening rather than above it so I will place some notches in the sides of the opening panel for the straps to go into. I will probably place some sort of cross brace that goes inside the pack at that point so it sort of "hinges" the straps down to the metal brackets inside the bottom. The original had a piece of leather covering that portion anyway so it can cover the notches in the opening panel

@MonCal: would liek to see what u have come up with. I am not a 'builder' guy. i screw up alot...
heres mine, I cut a slit above the door on either side, ran 1" nylon around the female end of the fastex buckle, through the slit, down, through the ring imbedded in the fiberglass, back up and where the two ends met, pulled em tight and riveted them. That pack sits just right on my fiberglass JD backplate.


Yup, that's exactly what you have to do. Dremel two 3/4" slots in the upper shoulder area, thread your JP harness straps through them, and attach to the interior "U-Bars", screw down the access plate and you're good to go!

From looking at reference pics of the original that seems too high for the attachment points to me. It looks like they should be lower and infact within the opening but if it hangs o.k and not too low on your back then great:thumbsup:

I think I got the leather thing mixed up from the standard pack and the stubby... oops..

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yeah, but putting them there gets it to hang in the same spot as the screen used. it hangs like in that pic. if mines higher or lower its by so little as to be unnoticeable. not sure if its a size issue w. the MLC but it seems to work :)
Heres some pics i took frm another tdh-er.

HEres the harness worn on the body:

And the 'hook' which is attached permenently on the JP itself, hooking on the body harness:

So whats the 'hook' used? Any close up on it?
And how do u attach the 'hook' so that its strong enuff to support the weight??

is there other detailed methods, with pics, on other JP setups?
I wun wanna go the classic Boba way; too many parts and in a way, not accurate for jango.

help much appreciated.
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