MLC armour arived : ) - pics added


Active Hunter
well i was troopin at the NEC MEMOBILA with the 501st UKG and my armour ws personaly delivered by Si aka HAN HUNTER.

Si sorry i couldnt meet you when you dropped it off as i was trooping.....but meny thanks for leaving it with Vadermaker at the UKG stall.

I opened it and its realy good and some of the UKG member who are also putting a fett costume togther commented on how good the overall, weight, look and finish of the armour.

Meny thanks to Si for sorting this armour out for us uk chaps and to MLC for making such great fiber glass armour which will go greatly with my MLC JP.

meny thanks guys for all your help as ill have my fett finished for new years eave

so heres the pics -
finished knees with russreps alu knee darts

my decal chap in the uk made my decals, slot cut out for LEDS

the MLC armour was already undercoated i then sprayed it
plastic coat - matt black B&Q £5.99
plastic coat - silver from B&Q £2.99
plastic filler - mustard coulour from Halfords £5.99

Knees where also painted the same way but where given a white undercoat and once dry painted with serval shades of yellow starting from bright yellow to mustard yellow using (mixing a darker shade of yellow & brown with each layer) gamesworkshop paint.

Once dry i rubbed off the masking fluid to revel all the layers and added some misting with grey and black and also added some scrathes with a sharp knife.



uk-scout TB7290
Glad to here its as good as we hoped, mine should be in the post soon :D
BTW I think I saw you at MEM (getting my bucket signed by JB), great looking scout you got there matey ;)

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hi john,

you wont be dissaponted with armour as its great.

Ive 90% finished my collar and back plate, ive cut the FG studs off and replaced them with the ALU studs.

Ive also sanded the two fins that go on the back where the harness go's thro. Just need to cut the holes out in the correct place tonight and super glue and FG them on.

Ill should be painting the first coat of silver on the armour this weekend.

Ill post some progress pic soon.



uk-scout TB7290
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Glad to hear it. Should get mine soon also.

Then I have the problem of trying to paint it in accurate ESB colours :angry
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Just finished painting the armour and need to redo the shoulders and knees again as they didnt come out at good as i wanted.

The main armour is done apart from adding the chest decal, lights and velcrow attachments.

I sprayed it matt black, silver, mustard yellow and dart olive green and then mist sprayed it using black.

I then scracthed it with my hobby knife to add scracthes etc.. and used a liquid masking fluid on the silver to mask areas off. Once dry i painted it in all the colour mention above and rubbed off the masking to revil the silver.



uk-scout TB7290
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Just got an e-mail fron Si.........

Mine's on the way to me as I type :thumbsup:
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Ive manage to get some decals made and added it on my chest plate and looks good, thanks to Han Hunter i was able to get the sizes and these made by contact.

Just need to finish my shoulder bells and knees and add my batha skull decal and add some velcrow.



uk-scout TB7290
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GOT MINE!!!!:thumbsup:
cant start painting until after crimbo though, but still its great to have a nice set of armour to start the New Year :D

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Nice job - paint looks really good! :thumbsup:

Your suit will turn out awesome if your armor is any indication!

My MLC armor should be here in the New Year. :D - Looking forward to it.

Keep up the great work and keep updating those pictures!

Your armour looks awesome dude!!! I just got mine as well & hope it turns out as good as yours. Was it pretty easy to put on Russ Reps knee darts?? I've been debating what would be the best way to attach the darts, (there isn't alot of room on the inside of the knees to get a bolt or screw in there) Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated. Again, awesome work there!
hi guys

Thanks for all your kind comments :)

The back and neck plates are also painted and have alu studs on the shoulders as i cut the FG one off.

To add russreps alu darts i got him to drill threads holes in the back of them and got some bolts from a model shop.

To get the threads in the FG knee i cut the head part of the bolt off, put a small drop of super glue inside the alu dart and screwed in the thread.

Then i drilled a hole in the FG knee and screwed the alu dart into place with enough tread left over so that it was sticking thro the hole.

I then superglued the threads inside the FG knee using alot of super glue, once dry i reinforced it with hot glue.



uk-scout TB7290
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