Mebbe another Zam bounty hunter?

Zam I Am

Well-Known Hunter
Just got some more pics from a OLG MD501st member of SuperMegafest and I thought this was so cute. This is Shannon McRandle's (celebrity Mara Jade) little daughter with DCB's helm on her head.

Here are some pics so far, that I already put in Sarlacc, but I will be putting up some more from our Garrison when I get the chance. Supermegafest04
Yeah... and I see your hand in there... saying "Okay, that's enough ... c'mon.... give it back!" ;)

Very cute picture! You can see she just loved it!

MaulMaus wrote:

Yeah... and I see your hand in there... saying "Okay, that's enough ... c'mon.... give it back!" ;)

Very cute picture! You can see she just loved it!

No I bet it was more like:
"Hey kid! I bet you don't have $400 to replace that if it drops! Oh wait, I think I hear your Mommy calling you over there!"


Ok, here goes, I have totally been talking to Shannon about going to Farpoint in Baltimore. Now, she's all excited about asking Michionne Bourriague and Amy Allen along. I asked her if Leeanna Walsman was available too :). I know that it might not happen cause she's in Austrailia, but you never know. February is still a ways away. Now, Farpoint is a very very small con, much like a ski lodge. It's not at all like Dragon Con. It's fan run. So, it has a more homey feel. Please email the Farpoint committee at to ask for the Star Wars Celebrities guests to come. The more that people that ask, the more the committee will say yes. The committee is also looking for fan panels. If anyone is interested in setting up a "disscussion panel" please contact is the site for all you need to know about the con.
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