Masking stuff


Active Hunter
I have seen references to a "masking fluid" on some of the posts for weathering. What exactly is this stuff? I went to Michael's and had 3 people have no idea what I was talking about. What is it normally used for and who makes it? If anyone actually has an image of the prodcut that would be awesome!
Here is the stuff you are looking for.........I have some.
It is liquid latex. Thats all. I bought it
at Michaels. I like to use mustard over this stuff .
"Winsor & Newton" is the brand name.

I saw that but was not sure that was everyone was using since it was for acrylic paint and most of us use spray paint. So once this stuff is on and you spary paint over it what is the best way to get it off?
I've heard about people using scotchbrite pads. They're tacky blocks. I'll see if I can find a picture.

The scotchbrite stuff will actually scratch the paint. I was thinking of rubber cement pickups.
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Here is the stuff I use plus a pic of the forcep tweezers I use to pull it off.

Got the Fluid at Hobbytown USA. Its made by Hobbico.

And all liquid latex(es) are not created equal!!!! Some of them will stain your "chrome" layer and some of them will wrinkle the "chrome" layer.
psberetta said:
Here is the stuff you are looking for.........I have some.
It is liquid latex. Thats all. I bought it
at Michaels. I like to use mustard over this stuff .
"Winsor & Newton" is the brand name.

I went to micheals ans hobby lobby and dick blick and a lot of other stores before breaking down and buying it on the internet.
great stuff though.
I used a Rubber cement pickup to remove it.
As far as spray paint.......Thats pretty much all I used per AFFO$ list
and it worked the way it was supposed to. But like I said, at least try the mustard out. The mustard does not need to be dry to paint over it, and it ALOT cheaper :thumbsup:
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