Manowar Rotj gauntlet progress pics


Sr Hunter
I've been in the midst of a bathroom remodel and veterinary issues, so my prop building has slowed a lot.

I'm coming out of the hole, and have started working on my new gauntlets!

This is them, right out of the box:

Filler / sanding was all done, so they were basically ready to rock. One thing I really liked was the use of caulking for the seam at the flame thrower, rather than putty/bondo. Stays flexible, and won't chip out over time.

As for mods, I removed the molded in dental expander and flame thrower buttons, to be replaced with other stuff that I have waiting.

I didn't take pics of the primer. We've all seen primer. Grey. Uninteresting.

Here they are, painted silver, shown next to my Ruffkintoys gauntlets for size comparison:



The liquid masking I did in bed at 3 in the morning, so no pics. I used latex masking fluid, and the MoM fett reference pics on this site.

Fast forward:


and a shot in direct sunlight to get a better feel for the true color:


I tried something new with the paint, and am really happy with it. Rustoleum America's Finest Claret Wine comes recommended in a lot of places. It's decent, but WAY too red.

It also covers like ****. It usually takes 3-4 coats for your stuff to not look pink.

Once I masked these, I painted them flat black, then misted layers of the Claret Wine satin over it until I got the look I wanted. The black base made SUCH a difference!

Still do do: switches and buttons, LED, closing mechanism (thinking magnets), padding and some hand painting, then weathering.

The rocket is either psberetta or russrep. I think the former, but I forget. Cast metal dental expander that I got from fettpride a while back. Real MQ-1 keypad. psberetta darts.

So far, so good! These gauntlets are geat! Totally worth the wait!
looking pretty sweet. i'll have to remember caulk when i finally get around to getting my gauntlets.
I have to say that those are looking pretty sweeet!!! I guess I did'nt realize just how nice the MOW gauntlets are. I missed out on that last run...really hope that FP gets back into the game;)
I have to say that those are looking pretty sweeet!!! I guess I did'nt realize just how nice the MOW gauntlets are. I missed out on that last run...really hope that FP gets back into the game;)

i think he posted about doing another one a few days back (unless that one is done now too)

they really are a thing of beauty.

tonight i got my switches installed, and did some touchup paint on the hinges. i painted them with the hinges open, so when i closed them there were a bunch of spots with no paint. i know they'll get scuffed over time, but no reason to start out bad :)
Very nice job, dude. And once again, ya get the item, and the next thing I know it's all painted up!;)

it was killing me that i had them for almost a week before i started working on them.

i'm trooping at hasbro on tuesday, so i wanted to have them all ready to go. probably the only thing that won't be done is the LED on the left arm... i don't think i'll have that wired up yet.
Yah...I think that you might be right...MOW may still be taking orders for his gauntlets. With C4 just around the corner I have to watch my budget...but after that I really hope to pick up some gauntlets:)
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