MAN of WAR, Fettpride and Ruffkintoy gauntlets comparison pics


Well-Known Hunter
MAN of WAR, Fettpride and Ruffkintoy gaunts comparison pics

I have a treat for everyone. Special thanks goes to Spideyfett for bringing over his Ruffkintoy and Fettpride gauntlets. Myself, BATNINJA and Spidey decided to get togther and do some comparisons for all of you. This is a small preview of what we will have to offer this Saturday at ALL CON.

comparison pics of MAN of WAR Gauntlets, Ruffkintoy and Fettpride.


RUFFKIN middle



Wow the MoF Gauntlets look like monsterous compared to the other two. I wonder based on the dimentions of the calculator pad which pair are closest to scale?
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Wow the MoF Gauntlets look like monsterous compared to the other two. I wonder based on the dimentions of the calculator pad which pair are closest to scale?

Yeah it was pretty amazing to see the SIZE difference between the three..

Great PICS DM;)
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Makes me wish i had FP gauntlets instead of Ruffkin. I LOVE Ruffkin, but they look big on me, being that I am indeed small.
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Wow, what a difference.. My arms are just barely long enough to bend with my Ruffkins on.. I'd have to chop thos MoW's in half.. BM mentioned to me awhile back he was either considering or planning on doing gauntlets also.. It'll be interesting to see where his will fit in the lineup.. great comparison pics..
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Hey Guys..

Interesting post...In the past I had to make my gauntlets larger to accomodate everyone's proportions...

Timing is odd though, Tomorrow will be posting photos of my new designed ESB gauntlets which are movie accurate in scale.. strictly thin limbs only like myself !

RoTJ's are in the works...

Hope this helps

Man of War Studios
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Hey...I appreciate that...if that shout was to me !? LOL !

5 or so years ago when I started making these puppies for collectors there wasn't much out there to choose from...most guys just wanted something that was fairly accurate, anything really. Now it's completely different, Lots of talented people out there making gear..To stay in the game you gottah make more authentic looking props..I have to always look for ways to stay competitive and keep it fun, reason why I made new ESB's

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Wow, very cool side by side comparison shots. Thanks for arrainging this guys. It's nice to see em stacked up side by side to see how they compare.

Each a legend in its own right
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Well, I have a set of Christian's (Man of War) ESB Gauntlets and I love em'! Since I received them right before C3, I've done some upgrading by adding working LED's off the metal radio shack toggle switches, and all the machined Aluminum stuff from Russ Rep. But I have to say thank GOD! for the size of MOW's Gauntlets, I'm 6'0 / 195 lbs. and by no means am I huge or fat, but if his gauntlets were any smaller, they wouldn't fit around my forearms!:( In the end though they look in portion to the rest of my suit and are a great option for guys that are a bigger and or taller.:thumbsup:
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YES. I have to agree with GBH....for anyone doing FETT who is 6ft and up MOW gauntlets and JETPACK are the way to go!!!!!
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First MoW set looks AWESOME !!! What are they made of ? FG ?

I own a set of Ruffkins and I have to say they fit PERFECT for me. Only thing I have to do something about, the Flamethrower G is pretty tight around the wrist, almost at the point where it starts to hurt. Have to wait for some gloves and check how they fit with them.
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yes the are made of fiberglass

Real Scooby said:
First MoW set looks AWESOME !!! What are they made of ? FG ?

I own a set of Ruffkins and I have to say they fit PERFECT for me. Only thing I have to do something about, the Flamethrower G is pretty tight around the wrist, almost at the point where it starts to hurt. Have to wait for some gloves and check how they fit with them.
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Thanks guys,

I no longer offer that larger version gauntlet..My ESB's and Jango versions are much smaller and more movie accurate. I'm hoping to get my new RoTJ version gauntlets up in July :p

Hope this helps,
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The thing those MOWs have going for them is definitely the sharpness. All of the edges come right to a point.

However, for my size, I think the FP would be best. The only thing I notice about them is that, compared to the others, the flamethrower on the left gaunt is angled in a lot more. Can anybody with the FP gauntlets comment on this?
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Man of War Studios said:
I'm hoping to get my new RoTJ version gauntlets up in July

i love you man! if they look as good as those jangos and ESBs, i'll be the first one sending you the $$$

i've got an mq-1 pad and aluminum rocket just DYING to go on something!
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