Looking for Two Greeblies for ESB Blaster


Active Hunter
Where can I find the two round circled rings that go behind the piston type greeblie. To be accurate,I saw them on gonzo fetts blaster,and most guys here don't have those two round pieces behind the piston greeblies. Anybody have a set or where I can get some.Any info will be helpful.


Send a PM to Asok.

He's got the visible V8 model kit and could mold you up a couple. That is if you don't mind resin copies.
I am working on that part and hoping to get them made this weekend. I had to go buy a machine to put the mold in a vacuum to try and get it to come out right. The problem is that the part is very small. Saturday is my day to do castings.

asok said:
I am working on that part and hoping to get them made this weekend. I had to go buy a machine to put the mold in a vacuum to try and get it to come out right. The problem is that the part is very small. Saturday is my day to do castings.


I see that Asok is already on the job! :thumbsup:
I am looking for a pic now, 2 are needed for each blaster, on each side above the trigger, under the v-8 connecting rod.
Asok,I sent you a payment for the 5 pieces. Thank You very much,those are the finally pieces to the puzzle to make it accurate.

SingleSeat said:
Does anyone have any proof that this is, in fact, the correct found part? I probably missed it somewhere.

I'd like to second what SingleSeat asked--how do we know for sure that this is the part under the V-8 rod? I probably missed it too, but I'm curious how this was decided upon. Thanks!
The part was confirmed awhile back on the RPF.
Pics of the ESB blaster show a bit more detail on the piece than just a plain fender washer. The V8 part matches perfectly and works better than a washer since it's thicker.

BTW - I've never seen anything prove that there are 2 connecting rods on the ESB blaster. I'm still planning to just use one on the right side. Makes it looks like a safety lever that way.
I had heard that as well. It was presumed that the one on the left was "possibly" broken off during the filming of ESB.
lonepigeon said:
The part was confirmed awhile back on the RPF.
Pics of the ESB blaster show a bit more detail on the piece than just a plain fender washer. The V8 part matches perfectly and works better than a washer since it's thicker.

It's believable, yet, even so, I'd like to see the evidence to prove this once and for all.
Well the pieces came in today Asok,and thank you!! The only picks that I seen are GonzoFetts blaster,and on my Kotobukiya Boba Fett Statue. The blaster only has it on the right side of the blaster.You can see the piston rod on top of the that part you made me. Well guys I hope this helps.

Here are some pics guys, hope it helps.




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