Looking for someone who owns a Bobamaker helmet to help me out

I have a Bobamaker helmet on order and I plan on using RafalFett’s stencils but I have a problem…

…I don’t own a printer.

I was wondering if someone who does have one could print the stencils I’d need at the right size to exactly fit a BobaMaker lid?

I’d be happy to pay for the time and ink, as well as postage plus a little extra.
I think it would be helpful if you listed the version of the Boba Maker helmet along with what stencils you’re looking to have printed. ESB/ROTJ?
I think it would be helpful if you listed the version of the Boba Maker helmet along with what stencils you’re looking to have printed. ESB/ROTJ?
Oh damn you’re right, sorry about that!

So, it’s this version - VX, ESB stencils


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