Looking for Pic of Bob's ESB Blaster


Well-Known Hunter
Looking for Pic of Boba's ESB Blaster

I am trying to find pics of Boba's ESB blaster. I am mainly looking for pics of the connecting rods.

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Hm... What is this connecting rod?

Do you mean this piece?
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Sorry, I don´t wanted to be wiser than the "senior-users" ;) , but I understood it like pics in general from the single part, no screen-caps or shots from the production.

I can learn a lot here from you, sorry 4 the misunderstanding...

Guys, no worries. BTW has anybody found Bob yet? :lol:

I am just trying to get a good pic of the rod and the pully behind it. If I can get a good pic, then am hoping that I can make a better mold of the part. You know, less air in it.
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Asok I have been looking also and can't find a thing. I been looking for old archieve photos,they are the best to look at. If I can't find something,well I will call lucas himself and have lunch with him,and discuss this topic!!!!
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