Looking for Graphic Artists


Jr Hunter
I just had some artwork done for this years Imperial Funland Event Logo. A comic book artist by the name of Robbie Musso did this for me. keep in mind that this is only the black and white version. He is working on coloring this artwork and should be done sometime this weekend.


If anyone on here can use this image to create an official logo, it would be greatly appreciated. The logo should have the above image, and should have the title "Imperial Funland Event" somewhere on top. I would also like the date of the event on the bottom of the logo. The date of the event will be November 2, 2008. I know we have several intelligent artists on this forum that can do something with this image. If anyone wants to take on this project, I would be greatly in your debt. I would like to see some examples by the end of this weekend if that is at all possible. I would like to start getting some flyers made up to pass out to the local businesses so I can start collecting donations. I would like to say "Thanks" in advance to anyone who can help with this.
Im a graphic artist, and I can help you, but Im a little confused.

Technically a 'logo' doesnt incorporate a detailed graphic like this.

A logo is a simplified, quickly recognizable shape/design that incorporates the 'identity' of the 'brand' into its compilation.

So I guess im curious what you want here.

What is your medium? Is it for a poster, business cards, letter head, website, flyer etc. Are you really looking for a logo? Or are you saying you want to have some do the graphic design for this layout to incorporate your personal information?

Did that make sense?
I would like a logo for the website, but want something unique. I guess you don't have to use the above artwork, but I would like something that truly represents this event. The Imperial Funland Event incorporates members of the 501st riding Go-carts, playing miniature golf and laser tag with the kids. If there is a way to create a logo that represents that, I would greatly appreciate the help. The event is held at Funland in Mandeville, and their website is http://www.myfunland.net/ . You can also visit my website for the event at http://www.imperialfunland.com/ , if you want to find out more about this event. Thanks!
I think the arts great, im just trying to decipher if your looking for a logo, or if you want a design.

Ill whip up some ideas for you.
I decided to use the top artwork for the back of a t-shirt that will be sold at the event. All I need now is a logo to go on the front top left of the shirt. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Thanks!
Is your T-Shirt Black? Or white? Makes a different on this. Heres the rough mockup. I dont have time to cut out a bunch more characters, but you could add/remove as you like.


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Err. Toughy:) No and yes.

I do corporate web solutions. A lot of my customers dont want anyone knowing they dont do it.

www.starwarsuniverse.com is a mockup with some design in it. The menu has been redone but not posted.

Most of my 'artistic' work is done in 3d. Theres a render of my speeder bike I did for a promo shot a couple years back somewhere around here.

Lately im tired of sitting at the computer so im designing the new custom earcaps and such for helmets.

Thanks for the compliment man, coming from you (Ive looked at your artwork) that means something. And your site is nicely done too:)

I love doing quick hitter logos and signatures.
I like all three designs. As for the t-shirt colors, I haven't really given it much thought. However, I may use one of your designs for the front of the t-shirt and the colored artwork on the back...Thanks! :)
I have two requests about the logo with the 501st in the background. 1st, can you make the 501st white? The t-shirt company said that the image is going to be reduced to around 3 inches and it would probably look better in white at that size. And 2nd, can you change Darth Maul to a TK? We don't have a Darth Maul in our Garrison. Thanks!

I can when I get to it. What DPI do they want it?

Also, are they able to print gradient or are you doing a standard screen print in 1 color? As ill have to remove the glow, and add a stroke instead.
The TK is from the SDCC pics, Dont have his permission yet. I can find you another oen if he doesnt want it used.

Im still not sure if the T shirt place can print gradients. So this design may not work for you.

Youll have to make the upper background dark gray with the silhouettes black if they cant.

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