Lighter Stubby Jet Pack Parts


Well-Known Hunter
Lighter Stubby Jetpack Parts

So, what is the difference between these two jet pack nose cones? Other than on is in primer and the other is painted?

The painted one weights 20 oz and the other weights 8.1 oz! Also the lighter one will float! So, I am going to do the rest of my jet pack parts in the lighter stuff.

The other great thing is that if I run out of fuel over water, my jet pack can be used as a flotation device. :lol:

"in the event of a water landing, your jet pack may be used as a flotation device, please refer to the card in the seat pocket in front....oops"

nice! featherlight resin?
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Wow a Nerf missile! That would be so cool! Then you can really fire it at a Jedi from rebel legion!
Hey! Block this with you MR lightsabers!
What was the the original mold to make it?
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Wow a Nerf missile! That would be so cool! Then you can really fire it at a Jedi from rebel legion!
Hey! Block this with you MR lightsabers!
What was the the original mold to make it?

We did do one that was software like Nerf. It did not take paint very well and weighted more.

I was made from my original mold.

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Like we discussed Bill as soon as C4 funds are caught up I will be messaging you. Oh yeah and I will need some other parts as well.
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My wife got shot with a Nerf missile once. My roommate had a Lazer Tag gun with this huge freaking rocket on it and it shot her in the head from like 5 feet away on accident.
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