shade 99 Hunter Jul 5, 2005 #1 how do i get the boba fett jumpsuit im trying to make a boba fett costume obviously? Anyone? Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2005
superjedi Sr Hunter Jul 5, 2005 #2 Shade, If you look thru the soft parts/belts threads, you'll find lots of info on sources for a bunch of different parts. Jumpsuits, gloves, armor vests, etc. Or you could try the "search" feature. Just type in jumpsuit and see what comes up. Eric
Shade, If you look thru the soft parts/belts threads, you'll find lots of info on sources for a bunch of different parts. Jumpsuits, gloves, armor vests, etc. Or you could try the "search" feature. Just type in jumpsuit and see what comes up. Eric