jet packs

Search for Wizard of flight, he has graciously made blueprints for a jet pack. I used it to create my scratch built arena pack. Also google bobamaker, he has a webpage dedicated to the construction of a sweet jet pack. It will help you get your head around how to build it.
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Bluewolf, that is a sweet jet pack! I'd love to add an arena jet pack to my costume! Maybe some day...
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Thanks, it would have been much harder with out WOF, Cruiser was a big help as well. His conversion process gave me ideas that I hadn't thought of.

BTW I understand congrats are in order? Bout time a garrison had a Jango as CO.
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I made my own parts. :D

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Does anyone know where to get a electric open close valve to run co2 .So I can set it up in my jet pack?
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