Jango's Vest


Active Hunter
hey guys...bout to get a custom vest made for the Jango costume. what i wanna know is, should i put padding in the vest...like boba's? i'm making the vest extra long so that the belt will velcro/ button with the vest, that way, the vest won't come out of the ammo belt. anyway, i was just wanting to know if i should get some think padding for the vest or not. anyway, all pics are welcome, so, let me know what i should do.
I padded mine, it gives you more of a Buff appearance. It all depends on your size though. If you look like Seeker, don't bother, but if you're like me, you may want to add some fluff to your vest. I believe the original was padded slightly anyways. I like your idea of attaching the belt to the vest. I did the same thing, and then attached the lower portion of the best to the Cod, and that to the holsters, and therre is now this endless circle of stability all ultimatly resting on your shoulders, and it dosen't feel heavy or anything.
well, i'm going to get the materials wednesday, so, i needed to know if i should do it or not. all i'm doin is getting the seamstress to make it accordinally to the pics. i'm kinda 'thin' to say, so, i think padding will help. it will hopefully give me that bigger apperence. but, i'd love to see some pics of yalls padded Jango vests.
hey, went to the fabric store, and found a couple of good things. i was disapointed cause i couldn't decide on which color to go with. now, for the real costume, was it more of a navy, or what? i got a little bit of this blueish navy vinal. don't really think its the color. i found some more that was more of a navyish blackish color, and i believe thats more close to the real deal, but, wanted you guys opinion. i'm going for accuracy.
hey guys, picked some of this up to see what it would look like...what do yall think....go darker...?





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well, the last pic really shows its color...i tried it withoug the flash, and it doesn't look good. but, i'll try it tomorrow outside.
thksdad said:
hey, went to the fabric store, and found a couple of good things. i was disapointed cause i couldn't decide on which color to go with. now, for the real costume, was it more of a navy, or what? i got a little bit of this blueish navy vinal. don't really think its the color. i found some more that was more of a navyish blackish color, and i believe thats more close to the real deal, but, wanted you guys opinion. i'm going for accuracy.

i don't know, i'd rather go with the blackish.

how much did the fabric cost? well, per yard?
If you can find charcoal grey, that's what I would go with. Otherwise stick with the blueish one. Jango's is grey with a blueish tinge. No black. Then you can still add color and weathering.



By the way, mine isn't padded either. Depending on your build, you might want to pad only if the vest fits loosely because you'll only have so much room for proper placement of the vest armor pieces. Great armor pieces you got by the way. Very nice. :thumbsup:
Skalen Fehl said:
If you can find charcoal grey, that's what I would go with. Otherwise stick with the blueish one. Jango's is grey with a blueish tinge. No black. Then you can still add color and weathering.



By the way, mine isn't padded either. Depending on your build, you might want to pad only if the vest fits loosely because you'll only have so much room for proper placement of the vest armor pieces. Great armor pieces you got by the way. Very nice. :thumbsup:

Which helmet is that?
The suit looks great!:cheers
here is one more pic....better pic of the color...what do you guys think...ya or nay...?



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I would go with it.:thumbsup: I have the same color vest myself. The leathersmith that I apprenticed with pointed out that the vest looked to be more of a gun metal blue than black or grey.
That is a good color, I agree.

The vest and the jumpsuit look different in various light sources. I used the reference CD for my final decision in materials and color.
Here's a couple pics under different lighting. You can see the grey with the blue tinge coming through.



The visual dictionary has some good pictures too under good lighting.


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