Jango helmet


Active Hunter
hey guys, i am starting my jango costume, and i was wondering where i can get a fairly accurate jango helmet. i am looking for a fiberglass helmet kit. i want the kit to be a good price, and to come with everything. any suggestions will help.
I think Rubie´s Helmet is a good base to work. The sizes are Right (maybe a liiiiiiiitle small, but not too much) and you will have to repaint it and change the visor. Is a good and cheap option
well, i had a rubies, and i just did not like it. i have a fiberglass boba helmet that i bought, it was a kit, and i just love it. it's made by ozprops7 from ebay....not sure if he's really reliable...but...i did get my helmet from him. its a good helmet. i've thought bout a mystery type helmet, cause it has lots of room to play with ;)
well, i saw one on ebay that was already painted, and one thing i really liked bout it was it had a dent in the side where in the arena seen jango has a dent in his helmet. its also in the visual dictionary.....i really like accuracy. :) but, i want to paint my own helmet.....its half the fun of making your Jango. ;)
thksdad said:
well, i saw one on ebay that was already painted, and one thing i really liked bout it was it had a dent in the side where in the arena seen jango has a dent in his helmet. its also in the visual dictionary.....i really like accuracy. :) but, i want to paint my own helmet.....its half the fun of making your Jango. ;)
That was probably SEEKER's bucket. He's the only one that I know of that has the arena dent. But, I could be mistaken. Rubies is a good place to start, but I know you have already done a Boba costume, so you don't need any practice. I don't think BKBT is still making his Jango bucket, I think it was a 1 time small run thing, but I could be mistaken. His would be my first pick. (Assuming you have a good amount of cash to work with, I don't know the price of the BKBT, but I think it would be up there.) JD makes a nice bucket aswell. There are also others. I'm sure you will get PM's or something soon. Goodluck with your Jango, I'm sure it will be fantastic, (as is your Boba!).
I bought a DP 97 3 yrs back..and slowly...its became a jango!


Shabby. But its wearable..and not as expensive..

of corse, it would have to be upgraded sometime or other. So just twiddle with it! its fun.
Yeah I think the process for the greasey weathering is something like black acrylic paint on a wet wet wet paper towel and them you dab the black onto the bucket wherever you think it should go. I've never done it though. Ask around a bit before you take the plunge. But then again, its acrylic, so you can always wash it off. Goodluck!
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