Is this an MS helmet?

Citizen Snips

Active Hunter
Hey Hey,

I picked this up about a week ago from a fellow member. I have no complaints about the helmet, I actually really like it. I just want to know if it was worth the price I paid. Just so you guys know the seller said MS did not paint this helmet himself. Below you'll find some pictures, Let me know what you guys think.

MS fett.jpg

MS fett 1.jpg

MS fett 2.jpg

MS fett 3.jpg

MS fett 4.jpg
whatever helmet it is its a top notch paint job,,although the arrows do look a little sgtfang, but its hard to tell ..what are the dimensions,, ie inside width (side to side and front to back ))
Your camera's a bit too close to the helmet, so there's some perspective distortion that's throwing off the proportions.

As a standard, can you stand back about 6 feet and zoom in and rephotograph it?
Ok guys thanks for all the help so far. Below you'll find a couple of shots taken from a distance, you'll also find some measurements below as well.

Side to Side - 9 and a half inches
front to back - 10 and a half inches

Hope this helps
ms fett 6.jpg

ms fett 8.jpg

ms fett 7.jpg
well a fang is only about 9 1/2 front to back and 9 1/2 side to side , and the interior looks smoother than a fang ,so it could be a ms,, i have never laid hands on one ,maybe someone out there has and could help out more .........anyway not knowing what you paid for it or if it is in fact a ms to me in my opoinion its a $450 - 500 helmet (( but thats just my opinion i could be wrong ))
I'd venture to say its a sgt fang helmet. As it looks resin and does not have a layer of fiber glass on the inside. Plus it has the classic sgt fang ear cap and not the 2 peice that MS has been offering. Still though I suppose it could be a MS1 as those are very similar to sgt.fang buckets in most respects.
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my MS3 helmet is fiberglass on the inside, and a plasticy/resiny sort of outer layer, but i *think* that might have been new to the MS3. the older ones may be all fiberglass, but i could very well be wrong there.

mine is also signed and numbered on the inside, but i don't know if that's a new to the ms3 thing as well.
The curved cheeks, the arrows, the earcap, the inside looking like resin, and the distance from front to back, I'd say it's likely a Sgt. Fang. It looks more like my Fang than my MS.

Either way its a nice bucket. The paint is a little too bright green for me but I think you could put a few washes on it to dull it down a bit. Maybe even mist it with a more olive grean color.
If i am not mistaken isnt' an ms different than a ms1 ms2 and ms3 ( different maker i mean ) ms1 2 3 standing for marrow sun ,and ms standing for movie size ((i have had both a fang and own an ms3 and this helmet is an inch bigger front to back than both
Either way its a nice bucket. The paint is a little too bright green for me but I think you could put a few washes on it to dull it down a bit. Maybe even mist it with a more olive grean color.

Yeah I know what you mean. It would be a hard job, because there is a lot detail to cover before I even start to spray. I'm also kinda peeved at the possibility that this is a recast, only because I paid 600 bucks when you include shipping. I probably should have done this before I purchased it.:facepalm
Yeah I know what you mean. It would be a hard job, because there is a lot detail to cover before I even start to spray. I'm also kinda peeved at the possibility that this is a recast, only because I paid 600 bucks when you include shipping. I probably should have done this before I purchased it.:facepalm

You got ripped off bro. For that kinda money you could have had evan or Spidey paint a fang for you that looks MUCH better. :facepalm
Hmmm. . . I have an MS1, and the interior looks pretty much like the one shown in the photo.
From everything I've read here, the MS1 and Sarge helmets are reeeeeeeally hard to distinguish. Except for the material of course.
I don't know that you've ever held a fiberglass or a resin helmet, but by holding them, you can definitely feel the difference in weight. A fiberglass helmet feels more substantial.
Hmmm. . . I have an MS1, and the interior looks pretty much like the one shown in the photo.
From everything I've read here, the MS1 and Sarge helmets are reeeeeeeally hard to distinguish. Except for the material of course.
I don't know that you've ever held a fiberglass or a resin helmet, but by holding them, you can definitely feel the difference in weight. A fiberglass helmet feels more substantial.

It is a MS1 based on what the guy said who sold it to me told fact, he said he bought it directly from MS himself. Not painted by MS tho as I had told you.

It is NOT a Fang lid....I had one as well and the Fang is MUCH lighter/flimsier as well as a tad smaller. This helmet is much heavier and has a much smoother finish on the inside. The detail also seems to be a tad crisper.

As far as being "ripped off"....well, I'll leave that one alone. :rolleyes
Yeah I know what you mean. It would be a hard job, because there is a lot detail to cover before I even start to spray. I'm also kinda peeved at the possibility that this is a recast, only because I paid 600 bucks when you include shipping. I probably should have done this before I purchased it.:facepalm

Unless your up for a real PROJECT bucket, I would sell it and take what ever you can get from it and buy a MS3 if you can. The MS3 has just abou every thing done to it that you will have to do to this one to get it on par with most buckets. Even sanding it all down to re prime and paint will take hours. You should be able to at least get what a MS3 costs for this and then you have a great and more accurate canvas to paint on. Another great option is a TF bucket. He has redone his ESB as a non cold cast and its about as good as it gets as well.
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