I need advice on building a boba fett helmet


New Hunter
Soon I'm gonna buy a batting helmet from somewere and get sintra from US plastics. I have a styrene sign out in my garage I'm going to use. Here are some questions I have, but any advice is appreciated.
1. How thick should the sintra be?

2.Any Recommended templates?

3. What kind of adhesive should I use?
Howdy dude and welcome to TDH!:cheers

In regards to your questions, I'd suggest ya do a search for "batting helmet." There have been quite a few fellers on here who have used this method and written progress threads on their work. I'd suggest you check 'em out ... you'll probably find all the info ya need!
A lot of folks use welding visors for their T-visor. Not 100% sure, but I think the #5 shade green is closest.
Check a welding supply company?
If I can't find a batting helmet, I'm going to try to get one of those crappy helmets like they sell at comicscloset and cut the dome off, if I can get one cheap.
If I can't find a batting helmet, I'm going to try to get one of those crappy helmets like they sell at comicscloset and cut the dome off, if I can get one cheap.

Check the type of plastic it is... if it's polyprop or polyethylene you'll need special glue (I learned this the hard way twice). Here is a guide to identifying plastic based on the recycling symbol (if it has one):


I have yet to find a good glue guide for varying plastics, but here is an excellent study on adhesives and Sintra:

You should be able to cut with anything from a dremel to a hacksaw... it's the gluing that's may present a problem.

If it's a "real" batting helmet (i.e. meant for safety) it's probably ABS, which I'm told glues okay.

If it's a "souvenir" helmet, it's going to be a **** shoot and I suggest trying out different glues on the inside of the helmet first.
I bought it a sporting goods store, and on the side it says "Meets NOCSAE standards" so I guess I'm okay there. Now I need to find some cardboard, hopefully I have some boxes lying around...
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